University of Minnesota-Crookston Top Questions

What kind of person should not attend University of Minnesota-Crookston?


The Univeristy of Minnesota Crookston is not for slackers. If a student wishes to excell here, they must be prepared to work for their grades.


If a student is looking to attend UMC, they should definitly be pursuing a Agricultural degree.


Someone who is from the city that wants to go to schoool in the city. To many times have I heard people from the city say this place is to small and country. This school is a agriculutre school mostly, so there is alot of farms. If you are not looking to live in a small town dont come here.


This is a difficult question. I like the school very much. This school may lack in degrees in the medical field or agiculture education. It is closing its degree in agricultural education. The school offers a couple degrees for the medical field, but they are not as vast as other colleges offer. This school may not be great for those two areas of study.


Someone who might not enjoy UMC would be someone that like big schools, with more sororities and fraternaties. Someone who likes a more fast paced way of living would also not feel at home at this school.


Someone who is williing to put in the time or effort to sustain decent grades.; a student who is looking for a party school and not exactly education.


Let's be honest, the Crookston campus is small. Individuals who are open and comfortable in a small town, small class-size environment will be most likely to succeed on this campus.


Anyone who strives for a great education without such a great tuition bill, and I don't know anyone who wouldn't want that.... Anyone who doesn't mind a small town setting or the winter weather...