Don't be worried about making friends, you will over time.
The main concept I would tell my high school self is the key to success in college is to be organized and prepared. Even though I took college classes at a local community college as a junior and senior in high school rathter than attending the local high school, I was not as prepared as I could have been for college. Because I could manage my job and the subjects I took at the community college without a lot of difficulty, I did not plan my days efficiently. However, my first semester at the University of Minnesota, Crookston, I had a flight lab that entailed 20 hours a week of lab time. This, along with work and my other classes enlightened me to the fact that I needed to plan not only my day, but my entire week in order to get assignments done. I would tell my high school self to get as much done ahead of time as possible. If you know a paper is due at the end of the semester, try to get it done well before the day it is due. Also review notes each day so you are not "cramming" for tests.
The biggest advice I would give to my high school self is let go!! Enjoy your life! Go to the community college for the first or second semester and then move to Winona for the full college experience. Become involved with intramural sports. Go to dances and parties! Don't listen to everyone around you saying that 'God will tell you what to do with your life'. YOU are the ONLY person that can choose your path. Consider what your passions are and make the decision from there. Ask for help with your severe anxiety disorder so you can make rational decisions not based in fear. Go to Cancun or somewhere fun for spring break and maybe try getting drunk once! Continue to focus on your classes and absorb as much information as possible! It is okay if you do not receive an A in every class as long as you understand the information. And finally, get rid of the boyfriend, he is worthless and will only hold you back!!
Take your time, find out what you want to do and pursue it with a passion. Don't get discouraged by anything or anyone that gets in your way. If things get difficult along the way, just remember it is worth the struggles to do what you want to do and anything worth doing is going to take hard work and dedication to achieve. Seek the help of classmates, instructors, parents, friends, advisors, and anyone else willing to help you along. Disregard anything told to you by those that only have negative things to say about anything you are doing or attempting to accomplish and keep going strong with what you are doing.
If I were to go back and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself to be more outgoing. I was somewhat reclusive in the first semester that I was in college. This led me to not have very many friends, and caused me to feel lonely at times. Luckily, I became more outgoing my second semester, and made many more friends. I would definitely advise any high school senior to put themselves into uncomfortable situations so that they can experience more and meet more people.
Dear Highschool me,
This is a new adventure for you, but don't let that frighten you. Always remember that your true friends in highschool will always be there; youll find out who those are. Get out there and make some more friends! They truely do become the sisters/brothers you never had and the lifelong friend you will never forget.
Furthering your education is the reason your are going, but don't make that your whole life. You personal and social life is just as important; have a healthy balance. Always be there for your classmates, because you never know when you'll need the favor returned. This whole journey is to find who you truely are (if you havn't already) and better yourself for the future.
Don't follow a career choice just because the you feel family & community pressure. Do what you want to do in life, whether it be a doctor or farmer, because nobody's happiness is more important than your own. The world can't go round without all kinds of kinds. Follow your heart and whatever you do, do it with all your passion.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior I would tell myself to go to college right away; to get it done while you are young and free. It is a lot easier to do when you don't have other responsibilities weighing on you. And don't just go; take advantage of the time, use it well and actually learn. Finish your degree; trying to finish college while working and raising children is not easy. Get your education done right away so when you have a family you can enjoy as much time with them as possible. I remind myself that it is extremely hard to make a decent living without a college degree and point out that worrying about how you are going to pay your bills is a horrible feeling. It doesn't matter how much money you make; but you need to be able to pay your bills and not have that anxiety all the time as it is very hard on you and affects all aspects of your life.
Slow down and enjoy your college years. Join every club and intramural that interests you. Make new friends. Only go to the community college for one year and then move to a bigger college and live on campus. Study abroad if you have the opportunity. Sign up for work studies. Find study groups and become friends with those in the same program as you. It is okay to change your mind partway through about your degree but stick with it and finish college while you are still young. Take more language classes. Become a tutor. Let go of the past and move forward knowing that each experience will shape you into the beautiful person you will become!
The biggest advice I would give myself is fill out more scholarships. My senior year I didn't really fill out any and i should of. I could of saved a lot of money filling out applications. I also would tell myself that everything would be okay. I had trouble leaving my family at first and I wish I would of known what that really would of been like at first. I also would tell myself to make sure I get involved. I should of joined more clubs when I first arrived on campus. So I would tell myself to make sure I do that. The biggest thing I think I would tell myself is to save money. I was lucky enough to have enough money this year but I am strugguling. I should have saved better over the course of my fall semester so the biggest thing I would say is to save my money.
Listen Dava, college is a lot more important than you think. I know it seems as if though it wouldn't be a bad idea to live off your parents until you're 30, but oh trust me girl, that isn't the case. Follow your dreams, your passion, and pursue it with utmost excellence. Be a better person than what you think you are even capable of; and do not try to please anyone other than yourself. Prove to yourself that you are worthy of scholarships, good company, and a bright future. If there is one thing you must learn how to do ASAP is to network. Being successful does not always derive from ones skills or intelligence. It often comes from the people you surround yourself with, what they can do for you, and their connections to other people and companies that will greatly benefit you. And last but definitely not least, don't be afraid to come out of this box your parents have set around you. You are so much greater than that. Find yourself and be free; only you have the power to unleash the beauties of your life. And remember, its okay to cry.