University of Minnesota-Crookston Top Questions

What's the most frustrating thing about University of Minnesota-Crookston?


I am a fully online student. The most frustrating thing for me is when a professor puts limits on when assignment are open. I understand that deadlines are needed and work should be done by a certain date; but I think assignments should ALL be open ALL semester so if needed we can work ahead. The main reason for doing online courses is for the convenience. If I have a busy week coming up I want to be able to get my work done ahead of time.


I am just starting at Crookston this fall so I do not have anything that frustrates me at this time.


Financial aid office is the most frustrating thing. They are not helpful at all.


University of Minnesota Crookston for the most part is well balanced. The class sizes are small and the enviorment is personable. My least favorite aspect at times is the lack a access to the facilities. During finals studying is key, but this becomes difficult when the classrooms are locked. If this is the case you have to hunt down a custodian to open the class room in order to study. It can be frustrating and non-productive.


I do not find anything particularly frustrating about the school that I am curretnly attending, The University of Minnesota - Crookston. Of course incoming freshmen may have some anxiety about meeting new people, but orientation helps immensly with that concern. If I had to choose one thing that would be a potential for frustration it may be that there is not much to do, because the school is located in such a small town. But there are free events every Wednesday to entertain students, and they are very well done! Overall, UMC is a fabulous school to attend.


The most frustrating thing about my school is the tuition cost. Although it is cheaper than many other colleges, it still seems really high to me. I also don't like that internet students aren't eligible for reciprocity .


The constant wind of a prairie school! Parking. No pool.


I'm very disgruntled with the Calculus coursework here on campus. I found it extremely hard to understand the instructor due to a very strong accent, and even with help outside of class from the teacher and a tutor, had to drop out of the class. When your teaching a Calculus class your speaking should be very clear and to the point, this was definately not the case here in Crookston. I would highly recommend avoiding this course here if you want the teacher to teach you Calculus.


Everyone knows everyone and it can get dramatic