University of Minnesota-Duluth Top Questions

Describe the students at University of Minnesota-Duluth.


My classmates are a group of fun and diverse people from many different walks of life, who come together for a higher education.


My classmates are eager to learn but ready to have fun


Most of my classmates are smart and academically dedicated but sometimes they can seem stuck up and unfriendly sometimes because three fourths of the students are from the city area and are from a wealthy family status.


I don't know all of my classmates because my classes are so large, but everyone is very diverse.


They are motivated, smart, and willing to learn new things.


The majority of the people who attend this college did not do exceeding well in high school and got average grades and an average ACT score. They dress similarly and listen to mainstream music. Many drink often. My classmates are a little better since I'm in the science program so they have the brains to be original and intelligent and not follow the trends constantly.


Most of them were very friendly and helpful.


Fun-loving, friendly, and caring


My classmates are mostly kind, and willing to help out when someone is in need.