The biggest piece of advice I would give myself is really try to work hard and find out what you like to do. If you can find out what you like in life it should be pretty easy to find an area where you will enjoy working. I guess the second part of this advice is to try and stay true to yourself; don't end up trying to do something or impress someone because you feel like you have to. Just be yourself and have a good time. Lastly, I would say don't eat out too much and still exercise/go to the gym so you stay healthy and don't gain a lot of weight.
You know nothing until you experience life on your own. Be open to new experiences and meeting new people--it will pay off in the future.
"Tara, transitioning to college is not as scary of a process as you believe it to be. Transitioning will make you step a bit out of your comfort zone as you are in a new place with new people and without your father, but you do not need to panic about heading off to college. As for the money issue, it will all work out. You will find scholarships and grants and loans to help you pay for college, so stop freaking out about money. It will be fine. You will have slightly less free spending money while in college, but that's okay as a lot of activities around campus are free or next to free. Have fun in college! You will enjoy it!"
I would say to pay more attention in class and take as many nots as possible it would help when it is time for the test. And i would also say have a planner so you can track what is coming up next.
Learn how to study! It is an essential skill in college, especially if you want to get good grades. Stop procrastinating some how. I know it is convenient and easy, but it is hindering your future. No need to rush through college, it will come soon enough. Time actually does go by pretty fast. Don't be afraid to get out there and do things! Make mistakes it is part of being human. Don't be afraid to ask for advice or help from others. Get things done early. Being in an apartment is really nice, I am glad that I met my current roommate. However, it would have been better and much easier to meet people if I had applied to the dorms right after I had gotten my acceptance letter. Be who you are meant to be, not who people want or think you should be.
College is amazing, you learn so much, not just academically but you also learn about yourself. It is so important to visit a college to make sure you are comfortable there. If you do not like the college when you visit, I doubt you will like it if you attend college there. Make sure you see the whole campus and the city in which it is located. It is never too early to start. It is better to start early and see as many colleges as you want to apply too. Application fees can be high, so narrow it down by doing research. Use the money you saved on application fees to visit the campuses. Once you are a college student, make time to study. Time management is very important and talk to as many people as nessecary to learn how to manage your time. This will lead to success
Really keep an open mind for your future and be excited! A new chapter in your life is just beginning and I promise it will be fun, entertaining, there will be new oportunitites and you have the ability to create it all. High school was fun, but college will be amazing. You'll meet your friends for life, you'll learn tons of things that you're going to use in the future, and you will discover yourself. Try new things and be yourself. It's going to be great!
Earn and save money, go to the school of your first instinct,.
WORK HARD and DO NOT PROCRASTINATE! FOCUS, FOCUS, FOCUS!!!! Plan out everything you plan to do so you will have time for EVERYTHING. Do not be afraid to Ask for help if you need it; make MANY friends.