I am going to keep this short and simple. When looking for the right college, it is good to find one that has good reviews and great professors, but another major component is the feel. When I stepped foot on the University of Minnesota campus, I knew right then and there that this was the place for me. I didn't even want any other college as a fall back becasue I knew that I would not be happy unless I attended this particular school. So parents, listen to your kid and make sure that the college that they want to go to is theie decision, not yours.
As far as finding the right college, you have to see yourself not just studying there but living there. If you can picture yourself walking around campus on a Saturday and it feels right, then it is most likely a great fit. Once you're there, it is crucial that you step outside of your comfort zone. I've always been shy and didn't change that about myself my freshman year so I didn't make as many friends as I would've liked to. One great thing I did was I joined something on my own without my friends which helped make me feel more a part of the community and helped me grow as a person. So be outgoing, step outside of your comfort zone, try something new, and study hard. It's ok to be nervous.
choose the college that you would like. listen to your parents opinions but ulimately you're the one that has to decide which college you want to go to. choose a college that is comfortable for you. Also work hard in school and just HAVE FUN!
You have to visit the schools. I think that once you are there you will just feel whether it's right or not. I knew the minute I stepped foot on the U of M campus that it was the right school for me. In order to make the most of it you need to go out and meet people. Keep your dorm room door open so that people can stop by and when the campus has student events go. Go to the sporting events and learn all of the cheers and traditions. Make a check list of things to do while you're at school and try to finish them all before you graduate. Take classes that seem interesting even if they aren't in your major. Use the facilities available to you like the recreational center or the music rooms. Talk to your professors and get to know them; they can be really interesting. Get involved, put yourself out there, and try new things. It will make your whole experience better and you will be so much happier.
Every student that is approaching the end of high school gets tons of letters in the mail from every different college. Dont just discard the colleges you've never heard of or think you dont want to go to. Give every college an equal chance and you will find the school that is perfect for you. Also, don't be pressured to enter any specific school because of what your parents say or what your friends are doing. A lot of my friends picked schools based on these pressures and hated their first year. In fact, a couple of those people are now tranferring to my school. Dont be intimidated by a large school because you dont want big classes, and dont shy away from a small school because you want quality education. All schools offer different things, and taking time to read those letters and surf those websites will help you make the right decision.
If you go to a college and do not feel right, it is okay to switch. Find a college that has a field of study you are interested in, but don't forget that you need to feel comfortable in the area and on campus.
In order to make the most out of your college experience, you really need to speak up and get involved with the things that interest you on campus. Go to free campus activities, join a club, make your own! There are so many possibilities that its a wonder that so many freshman do nothing when they come to campus. Honestly, getting involved is probably one of the best things you can do for yourself. When you're busy at college, you tend to learn how to balance your schedule, get better grades, and make friends that will last you a lifetime! As to finding the right college to go to, don't sweat it. Your college experience is what YOU make it to be. If you have a gut feeling that "this is the campus for me" then go with it! Thats what I did as soon as I set foot in the Twin Cities campus. I loved it, I'm getting involved, and I am completely satisfied with my college experience.
Make sure you go on a tour before you decide on a college and there is a college or university out there for everyone.
Find a college that suits you and your goals, and stay true to those aspirations.
"You'll just know."
Those were the words I heard from numerous college students who had gone through the same process in previous years. As little as those words did to quell my fears about picking the right college, they were true. Touring multiple colleges gave me the chance to experience each univeristy for what it is and how it fit my goals. By asking questions to tour guides, professional staff, and attending students, I was able to judge each campus's fit for my desired college experience. In addition, I toured campuses multiple times. The second tour clinched my decision; I had the feeling of "just knowing" that other students had mentioned.
Once on campus, I had fears of fitting in and choosing the wrong classes. Once again, talk! By talking to professors, advisors, and peers, I was able to discover the best places to eat and study, the best professors and courses to take, and the multitude of activities in which I could be invovled. Their suggestions combined with personal research helped me make informed decisions on what I wanted to do to make the most of my college expereience. Don't be afraid to get out there!