Ole Miss is the best college in the South.
Find where you feel comfrtalble.
The only advice I have is this: Find the college that fits you like a glove and take advantage of everything that is made available to you. Don't pass up the opportunities and resources that are freely and willingly given to you.
I advise students and parents to start early in trying to find the right college. Education should be the number one reason for anyone to want to attend college. Therefore, in researching other schools, students should focus on the career goals that they have in mind. A student should select the college that he will attend based on the one that will provide the most aid in his future endeavors. In addition, for a student to make the most out of his college experience, he must be well rounded and open minded. He must not be afraid to try new things, or talk to new people. He must manage his time well so that his social life does not interfere with his academic studies. Parents should serve as a guide to help their child remain focused and not lose sight of the true reason one should attend college, which is to receive an education.
The key to finding the right college community and attaining the greatest degree of satisfaction from a college experience is to visit the campus before applying to the institution. The sights and sounds of a college town, the architectural designs of the buildings, and the diversity of the students on campus can appreciably lend themselves to the decision making process. A university established in a small southern town prior to the Civil War will have a remarkably different atmosphere from a twentieth century school built in amongst a bustling city. Once a school has been chosen, however, the key to making the most of the college experience is to get involved in activities on campus and around the community.
The best way to have a genuinely memorable college experience is for an individual to get involved in organizations, clubs, sports, and classes that interest him. Go to the fitness center, student union, or local restaurants to meet new people. Attend free movie nights, campus sponsored social events, and sporting venues. It is extremely important, however, to learn to balance school and studying. Even the most outgoing socialite will have a bad college experience if she cannot pass her classes.
First, I would really sit down and think (even write) about what kind of environment you see yourself in, and see yourself succeeding in. Big city vs. small town, close to home vs. far away. Also, try to narrow down what you would be interested in studying. If you know for a fact what you want to do, maybe consider a college or university that specializes in that area. If not, then look for places that offer a vast amount of curriculum. Find out as much as you can about each school your interested in like academics, extra-cirricular activities, costs, admission requirements, everything. As your search narrows, definitely take a visit with your folks to each campus. Even the best of websites isn't as descriptive as seeing through your own eyes. Take a tour, meet people, ask questions, find answers. When the search comes to an end and you pick the college that's right for you, make sure you keep up with the pre-semester requirements like housing information and meal plans. And when you finally get there, have fun with it! Meet new people, get involved, and of course, keep those grades up.