University of Missouri-Columbia Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


I wish I had known how much meal plans cost and I wish I had known that the place I am staying at now is expensive and the internet access is lousy.


Before coming to school, I wish I would not have had a preconvienced notion that everyone was going to have similiar opinions as I do, or that everyone would be from the same religious background. I have learned that listening to my peers, and understanding their opinions has allowed me to become a more well rounded human being.


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I wish I had known how different it was going to be from high school.


How the fraternity process works and how demanding the courses were.


Way differant then high school


I wish I had known what my professors had expected from me and that even tough I did well in high school with out studying that college was going to be different. Studying is a necessary thing for every class even if you think you know it, you still need to study because everything you learn for the rest of your college carrer builds on the first few years.


The only thing I wish I would have known beforehand is the population of the town. The town is pretty small compared to the city I?m from, but I?ve learned to love it.


How to get better financial aid.


i wish i knew what frats to join and which dorms to go to that would make me more friends.