University of Missouri-Columbia Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


I wish I would have known more about greek life. I also wish I had talked to my freshman advisor earlier, and had learned of the great services of the Student Success Center.


I wish i had known how to save money before coming to school.


How the Greek Life really was, all of the tutoring that is available, and now I believe I need to know what to do in order to get a B or an A in the classes. Also, I wish I would have picked a major and stuck with it, because now I might have to be in college for five years, instead of four.




That it would not be that easy to get an on campus job. Also that I would not get as much financial aid as I needed.


My first semester was dismal. I wish I would have known to brush up on my study skills and be prepared not to procrastinate when it comes to schoolwork. High school was unbelievably easy. I think I studied three times in four years. College, on the other hand, is a different story. Even a gifted student can fall behind in their studies and end up with a subpar academic showing.


I didn't really receive any scholarships, and the couple I did were absolutely tiny, $750 one semester, $750 the next. So for every major expense (tuition, rent, textbooks, some bills) I took out what I could in federal loans, and the large remainder was purchased with high-interest alternative loans. Now I'm paying about $600/mo in loan repayment, and it's really tough to get on my feet!! I love Mizzou, though and will always bleed black and gold. It opened up my world, and I hope to give back to the j-school someday.


How difficult college classes are and that you have to get a good foundation early on


College is difficult! Study!


What I wish I would have known before coming to the University of Missouri- Columbia is how to manage my time better and also more ways to study. I had a hard time adjusting to the way exams were given becuase I was used to having a lot of points towards homework in high school and in college grades are mainly based on exams.