I wish I had known that having ten minutes to run across campus to get from class to class is torturous.
I wish I had known more about finacial aid and the paperwork involved. Nothing has given me more stress than scholarships, grants, and the dreaded FAFSA. The one silver lining is that the people who work in the Financial Aid Office at UNL are THE BEST and always willing to answer my questions and calm me down.
I wish I would have known that it would be a hard adjustment leaving home and going through a really big change.
Personally, I was very well informed when I began attending the University of Nebraska at Lincoln, because my parents attended the same University and were able to tell me a lot about it. Anything I have learned since isn't really something that can be taught; it's more of an experiential learning.
Coming into this university, I had no previous college experience. I wish I would have came into the college with a known major instead of being undecided. The college does a great job helping students choose a major, but if I had known what I wanted to study, I could have selected more interesting classes that revolved around my profession. Also, I wish I would have known whether to take my books or my laptop in the first day of class or to leave them at home. Overall, the students did help me much through my first days of classes.
I wish I had known that UNL was a very Greek-oriented school. Most everyone is in the Greek system and it is hard to be included in the social scene if you are not apart of that system. Although it is more money to pay, I believe that it would have been a good idea for me to join a sorority beause of the fact that you meet so many people that way and you are able to know about more events on campus.
I wish that someone would have shown, or helped, me find out a way to study that fit me. One that would benefit me. Finals week was also a shock for me. There was much more information that I was expected to retain and put to use. Knowing how to retain information, and not just be able to regurgitate it when the test came up, is a valuable skill. The things you learn in these classses are things that you need to use in your disired field not just vocabulary you need to graduate high school.
Create a friendly relationship with all your teachers. Class sizes are alot bigger which makes it harder to talk to them about your probelms.
I wish I had known how cold the winters were going to be.
That it is really tough to get financial aid at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, and that I should have applied for more scholarships to help with financial obligations.