University of New Hampshire-Main Campus Top Questions

What do you brag about most when you tell your friends about University of New Hampshire-Main Campus?


I brag about the social life the most when I tell my friends about school. I also think that UNH has a strong psychology program. I brag about how beautiful the campus is and how active it is when the weather is warm.


Location! I love New England and that this school has a close proximity to so many different types of outdoor activities.


I love it here! The atmosphere is great, the classes are small. It feels like home.


Party school


I brag most about how pretty my campus is, and how great of classes I have.


The amount and variety of opportunities the school has to offer, such as, study abroad and school support programs.


The high quality of the food in the dining halls.


As a student at the University of New Hampshire, I brag about the engineering facilities that are available on campus. The two buildings Kingsbury Hall and Morse Hall utilize incredible technology for engineering related classes and research.


What I like to rub in my friends faces is our dining hall meal plan, not only is it unlimited, but the service is like a buffet! Most schools have a limited number of meals and have to wait in lines for just a few choices of meal options. The University of New Hampshire has such a good meal plan and I personally, have never heard anyone complain about it.


My friends. i am part of the UNH Greek System and I have found life long friends in the span of three years.