University of New Hampshire-Main Campus Top Questions

What do you brag about most when you tell your friends about University of New Hampshire-Main Campus?


When I tell my friends about the University of New Hampshire, I brag about its oppurtunities. Compared to other schools, it offers many more oppurtunities and experiences to students at a lower cost. Still expensive, like all colleges are, the University has found a way to put students money to good use for them. The oppurtunities range from internships and work study jobs to Study Abroad programs to thier own cow farm and horse stables. They give you connections to help you get to your career of choice and consistently try to work around a student's needs.


I love the community and green friendly campus! Everyone is nice and outgoing.


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When I tell my friends about my school, I brag about all the new friends that I have made there.


The thing I brad about most to friends is the access to such wonderful opportunities I have at UNH. I have easy access to professors to help me, making a 300 person lecture seem like a small class due to their attention to each student. I also brag about all of the fun things you can do on campus like the imfamous UNH hockey teams games, or going to a movie in the MUB. There are so many group and clubs you can join as well.


The campus is amazingly beautiful and the people are really nice.


My school is on the cutting edge of some new and fascinating areas of study. I am taking a class that is part of a new dual major program called "EcoGastronomy", and although I have to explain what it means to everyone I meet, it's the best class I have ever taken. It takes a revolutionary look at the far-reaching effects of food. I also participated in some exciting research at UNH as a community college student . I never thought of myself as a "science person" but now I'm a science major and couldn't be happier.


Mostly about the Hockey team when its doing well. Also I would brag about how its very much like a community instead of just being a school.


People are friendly, I have a lot of friends from home, The fact that there are a lot of good looking girls here, the parties, the great dorms and the awesome food. and that our hockey team will inevitabely beat whoever they are playing.


The Education Program at UNH is the perfect fit for me. It's all I talk about!