University of New Haven Top Questions

What should every freshman at University of New Haven know before they start?


To fine the right college, you must figure out what you would like to major in or find a field of study. Once you get that figured out, you can search for different colleges that specialize in your field of study. For example, I wanted to major in Forensic Science. I searched online for colleges where I could study Forensics. The University of New Haven was the top of my list. In the United Sates of America, The University of New Haven is one of the top five schools for the field of Forensics. When you think that you have found that right school, you should pay a visit. While visiting, think about what you want in a school. Pay close attention to how you are treated at the school. Make sure that help is always available when you need it. Think about the different programs that are available. Check to see if they have programs that can help each student meet his or her individual goal. If the university meets all the qualities that you want in a school, then that's the school for you.


The advice I would give parents and or students when finding the right college is to make sure that the school has the desired major field of study that they are intersted in. Also, make sure that you can afford that school and that you will be getting financial aid. If you decide that you want to go to a out of state school, make sure you will be able to afford it. Make sure that you do your reasearch about the college. Try to atleast visist the college of choice atleast once because although you may like the school beased on what you may read about the school, but being able to see the school and walking around the campus gives a different aspect of the school. These are some the advice I would give to parents or students that are trying to find the right college.


When choosing your college you should research your choice course of study and visit your choice colleges. One of the most important thing to remember is that you are never stuck at the first college you end up attending. If you research a course of study but can't decide if it's right for you, you can still attend a college with that field. If you find out that even after researching it and even attending classes in that field that you aren't satisfied with it, you can transfer to a different college. Another important thing to remember when choosing a school is what size community you're comfortable with. Visiting schools is a great way to determine how big a school's community is without guessing. By visiting colleges and taking campus tours you can get a feel for class sizes, ask important questions about workloads and get a feel for things like distance to classes and even such simple things like weather and school policy about different weather conditions. Visiting the school is also a good way to see how the students are enjoying themselves, smiling faces are a great sign!


its great


Take advantage of open houses, tours, and sitting in on a classroom unexpectedly. By making the most out of the college experience, students should manage their time, using time-managment skills. Also, go out and meet people. Networking is critical in today's society as prospective employers are less likely to consider GPA as a hiring factor.


I would tell every student to choose the college or university you think is right for you. Make sure they have all you are looking for academically and make sure you believe it is a place where you can grow socially. It is going to be the best four years of your life and you need to make you decision and have no regrets! I would tell parents that it is your child's choice. Let them make the decision for themselves; they need to grow and decide what is right for them. Let your opinion be known, if your child is looking for your opinion. Once attending the university or college, expierence everything you can. Go to club fairs, join groups, organizations and sports teams. Take every opportunity that presents itself. Your college experience will be the best four years of your life.


The advice that I would give students about finding the right college and the most of thecollege experience is to research your school choices. Do as much research as you can on the school. Remember that your going to attend it for years. Also remember that this school will make or break your future. I would also tell a student to make sure that you pick the right school for you. Make sure that the school you pick has a good proggram for your choice of major. Also make sure that the school offer good proggrams where you can get help. Research whether you get a reading lab, or math lab where you can go for help studying if you need it. I would also tell students to pick the school they feel good with not what some one else feels good with. After all it is your future. Last but not least I would say work hard but don't forget to also enjoy your college years. As long as you work hard you can get the career that you want.


First I would suggest that students determine which area of study interests them most and find a college that demonstrates excellence in that field. Parents and students should determine whether the college or university offers paid research and internships in this field of study. Both parents and students should review the credentials of the teaching faculty, including the percentage of Ph.D.s and tenured faculty. Parents and students should determine what kind of reputation the school has and determine how competitive the school is. Students should ask current students of the college how many hours of homework they have a night and whether or not they are happy with the college. Next, parents and students should review the size of the campus. Does the student want to attend a big university or a smaller one? I would urge both parents and students to research the average class size of the college and student to faculty ratio to determine whether these numbers meet expectations. Parents and students should visit the campus together to take a tour, meet with an admissions adviser, and ask any and all the questions they might have.


There is a countless number of factors that go into deciding on what college or university is right for you. If you already have a goal in mind, one of the most important factors is if the school in question has your major. Other factors include location, cost, size, extra curricular activities, opportunities and so on. Though it is easier said than done, you should never exclude a school just because of the cost. If the school is right for you, there will be a way to fund it, though it may not be your first choice. Once a decision is made on the school, the very best way to get all you can out of the college experience is to get involved. Not just clubs and organizations, but anything else the school has to offer. Find out if they do research in your field and get involved. Strive to make friends in all areas and guaranteed your college experience will be better. Finally, the most crucial element is to apply yourself. Be passionate and throw yourself into everything you do. If you feel passion for your area, you will feel more satisfaction in what you do.


The best thing to do is visit a school and talk to students, not the admissions students but real students in the caffeteria. Also look into what you get for Fin Aid, that is very important.