University of North Carolina at Greensboro Top Questions

What should every freshman at University of North Carolina at Greensboro know before they start?


Live on campus at least once, get lots of experience outside o the classroom, get to know your classmates, have fun.


A college education is important to you right? Of course it is! You should never rush to pick a college. You should not go to a college just because your friend is going or because someone thinks it is ?cool? or especially if it is a ?party campus?. You should do your research because this is your life and it?s your future and I?m sure you want it to be a bright one. You should visit different college campuses and see which one is best for you and fits your major the best. Once you get to college, you should definitely get involved. Don?t be scared to meet new people and join clubs. Being in college should not just be all about work, but also about meeting new people and networking. College is a wonderful place and you should enjoy every minute of it!


Visit the school. Sit in the Cafe and just listen to people taking. Ask questions to students. Pretend you need help finding a building and see what type of responses you recieve. Attend a class of a recommended professor.


My best advice for those who are seeking the best college for their children or themselves, would be to visit the University before you apply to it. You can love everything about the school that you wish to attend on paper, however, once you step onto the campus, you could hate it. It is all about feeling comfortable and having the feeling of "fitting in" that is really important. You will spend the next four years of your school career and life at this school, and if you are unhappy, you will not be able to focus on your studies. Another thing that I would suggest for those who are seeking the right college is to research all of your resources on that specific campus. It is important to know what resources you have once you attend that school and how to best use them to your advantage. I know from my personal experience I knew about many resources that my friends had no idea about. Many of my friends came to me for help because they knew that I was well aware of everything that our campus had to offer. Overall, make sure that you visit each campus.


?You can never cross the ocean unless you have the courage to lose sight of the shore.? - Christopher Columbus Finding the right college should be a student's main priority while in high school. Though academics should be your first priority, you must find a college that you will be happy and satisfied attending. If you are at a college getting the best education possible, it is absolutely wonderful but college is also a time in your life where you become independent and create your pathway in which you will take through life. This is why you must choose a well-rounded school that is perfect for you. This includes looking at the school for all of the right reasons, such as academics, extracurricular activities available, diversity, etc. Just remember, as Columbus said, in order to go into your future, you must maintain the courage to lose sight of the past.


When it's time to apply for college, it's best to explore all your options. I applied for colleges that interested me and offered Nursing as a major. It's important for parents and the college-bound student to do research and make plans to visit the potential college. It's also a good idea to attend an event in the community where you'll be going to school, especially if it's sponsored by the school, so you can get a feel for the environment. The best advice, from experience, that I can give students is to make the best choice for you. Don't make your decision based on where your friends or boy/girlfriend is going because you're not putting your best interest first. College life is what you make of it. Don't be a hermit outside of studying for classes because then you can?t possibly enjoy this life-altering experience. It?s important that you study and have some time for a social life. Join clubs, go to peer discussions, athletic events, and theatre performances because being active broadens your horizons and makes you appreciate the college culture.


Parents: Although you want the best for your child, you have to let them choose the college they feel is best for them. Although you can provide insight, don't force your child to one place because that's where you graduated, or that's what you think is the best school. Students: It's ok to try new things. If you want to have a boring first year, then you should definately sit in your dorm room by yourself and not talk to anyone. If you want to have fun, then get out there and meet new people through getting involved on campus. As a Senior, I can't believe that 3.5 years of my life have flown by. I have gotten too caught up in assignments and work to just enjoy being in college at times. Do yourself a favor, and experience life, and appreciate the time you have with friends, they are really worth it.


Visit any college that interests you as much as you possibly can, talk to as many advisors and current/former students as you can, and get a feel for the atmosphere of the surrounding area/city.


Going to a liberal arts school was the best for me. I didnt know what I wanted to major in and UNCG had a variety of choices. I had a lot of friends in highschool that attended schools like NC STATE, where you either major in science or agriculture, and most of them wound up transfering. When you graduate highschool and you claim to already know your major, chances are you are going to wind up switching out of it.


Parents: listen to what is important to your child and while your advice and counsel is paramount, the decision should be the child's. Don't stifle them, but stop by for lunch or send those care packages because they miss you too. Students: don't look at just the environment or just the academics and don't pick a school just because its prestigious or easy to get into. apply a lot of different places evn though its a hassle. Don't be afraid to change your mind in order to best follow your dreams.