There are groups of every kind on campus. I really think most people can find their niche here or at least people with similar ideas. We have many international students which adds another dimnesion to the student population. UND has a good number of service groups and students are usually interested in helping out. I have made friends with students from every field of study, it seems that different types of students find have opportunities to meet and form relationships. The aviation school definitely increases the diversity of the student population by increasing attraction of students from all over the world.
I'll be honest - I'm generally the only female in my classes and I don't mind. Being a minority is not a big of a deal as some groups make it out to be.
At UNd there are so many different types of people, and the fact that Aviation attracts students from all over the world, creates an extra diverse student body. You can almost always tell who "belongs" to which group; footballplayers, greeks, theatre people, anthopology students..etc, but when it comes down to it, everyone is able and more than willing to interact in spite of these labels. This is something I have appreciated alot at UND, because I have made so many friends from all corners of the school, which means that wherever I go, chances are I will meet some friends.
Studends wear jeans, sweatshirts, dressy clothes, just whatever style the student feels most comfortable in. During the winter you must dress for the cold weather. UND is split politically I believe, there are both republican and democrat organizations on campus, and are very involved in student government as well as state, local, and federal government. All types of backgrounds are present, the aerospace school brings in a lot of diversity. Most students are from a middle-class family, but there are both extremes.
the student body is relaxed and easy to talk to there is always a group to find something in common with, there are people representing every walk of life
It seems as though the average student is from right here in the upper-midwest. They come from middle to upper-middle class families and appear as though they were involved back in high school, usually athletically so. I don't believe there really exists racial or religious problems on campus, though we are quite diverse. Sitting in class the most common clothes being worn are sweats, jeans, and on occasion the random person in business attire. Students do also care about politics with the entire scope being represented.
Most of the students wear jeans and sweatshirts to class unless they have a presentation or something then they would dress up.
lots of students
I don't think there are any huge problems with race or religion on campus. I don't know that any student would feel out of place at UND because the majority of the people here are very welcoming and accepting. Most students wear jeans or sweatpants to class...very casual stuff. The dining hall that I eat in is very mixed, you can't really determine between different groups of students except for when the football team is there eating. I think students here are politically active, and it seems that most are democratic.