University of North Florida Top Questions

Describe the students at University of North Florida.


There is a group/ club for just about anything you can think of. Every student can find something that they would fit in at. Our campus varies as far as the physical appearance of students; there are the preps, skaters, surfers the list goes on. Our school really focuses on international students so there are always foreign exchange students wondering around. The financial backgrounds are also varied, but our school is very generous with financial aid.


Some are completely focused on school, 0thers are focused on having fun and then you have those in between.


My classmates demonstrate similar academic goals and there is a strong sense of community within the student body.


My classmates at the University of North Florida are diverse and interested in learning for the sake of learning.


Growing. Lots of people!


Most of my classmates are friendly and very willing to help with any question you may have about what is going on in the classroom and around campus.


Very hard-working and driven to learn. They are very friendly and eager to help each other to excel in school. They are busy with school and work.


Mostly white but there is some diversity in race and religion with some international students.


My classmates are nice and social.


Very nice people.