University of North Florida Top Questions

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Amazing and affordable study abroad opportunities


The fact that University of North Florida is a small school is what makes it more unique than other schools I considered. Even though the University of North Florida has grown, in size and accomplishments, it has retained its most unique feature. UNF has small classrooms with twenty or so students per professor, and a one on one personal learning experience. This kind of learning environment is what distinguishes UNF from any other university, and explains why UNF attracts students from more than ninety foreign countries.


The uniqueness of my University compared to others considered is that it is closer to home.


UNF is a smaller school and the class sizes are great. The professors seem to care about their students and everyone seems so friendly.


I chose UNF because of the smaller campus and class sizes, as well as a strong academic influence. The campus is located within a large conservation area, but close to the beach, shopping, and downtown arts and culture. The campus is also centralized, so everything is within a reasonable walking distance or a shuttle service is available at no charge to students.


It is a great school, getting better every year!


I chose UNF because it is close to my house. I travel forty-five minutes to get to the campus each way, but compared to my other choices, that is not bad at all. Also, UNF's tution is pretty decent. The cost is going up a little, but for right now, it's affordable.




Its art department is like no other that I have experienced. Every jazz concert, art show, opera, and other performance or tour that I have witnessed has sparked more and more interest in me than any other place has.


We are situated in the middle of a nature preserve.