My school is a good sized university with around 16,000 students meaning there is always some one new to meet but it's not so big you get lost in the crowds like UCF of UF. There is always something to do on campus. There are many clubs and sports to get into, something for everyone. There's everything from a fishing club to a martial arts club where you can learn Chong Nhu to free movie nighta at one of the theaters on campus. If you love the "college life" UNF is a great place to be.
How nice the students around campus are and how inviting the University seems.
When i bragg about my school to my friends, I bring up so many great things about my university. My school has amazing school spirit, and the games are always packed out with students, greek life, and many other clubs. Not only that, but we have amazing achidemics and professors that are always there to give you advise and further assistance with class material. This University is more of a little community than a school, students can always find help wether it is from our staff and advisors, or even from different students.
The size. It has the fewest students out of all the public Florida universities.
I would mostly brag about the creativitly and soclusion of my school to my friends. I beleive that U.N.F. is one of a kind to have some many great opportunities for me. I brag to my friends mostly about the nature preserve that my school is located on and the special connection I am able to make with my professors.
The campus is nice and the university just opened a new biology building with new labs and equipment. The new building is very nice.
I brag most about the amount of social events that go on at my school; there are daily opportuinities to open yourself up to new environments and ideas while also meeting all kinds of different, open-minded people, though it is also hard not to brag about the genuine interest that the professors have in their class material and their students.
The small faculty-student ratio.
The campus & opportunities
The best aspect of my experience at UNF has been the quality of the professors. They have categorically presented a challanging and nurturing environment which is highly conducive to learning. They are available outside class via email and Blackboard conferencing to assist their students, which is very helpful. The other students who are in our program of study got into the program because they are focused and dedicated, so the overall gestalt of the classroom is one of fun and efficient learning.