University of North Florida Top Questions

What's the most frustrating thing about University of North Florida?


The VA representation could be a little more helpful.


Rude people, students and instructors.


I feel as though most of the time my political views cannot be properly expressed because i am one of few who feel that way. Once my views are shared, i sometimes feel as though i no longer have anyones respect.


I believe sometimes students from sports teams and fraternities do not get along. In addition, I believe it is sometimes hard to get the right amount of academic advising for classes.


the career counselors know nothing about what to do.


Because we don't have football and our other athletic teams do not draw a crowd there seems to be a lack of spirit. Not a lot of Students live on campus and a lot of people leave on the weekend. Instead of the campus being full of life on the weekends it is empty.


There are not many things that are frustrating at my school. The one thing that does come to mind is the school's parking. There are many students that attend the University of North Florida, but there are not as many parking spaces. The staff is already in the process of taking care of this matter and construction on new parking lots is underway. The construction is currently frustrating, but it will be worth it to see the final results of the new parking lots and to be able to find a good parking space.

