University of North Florida Top Questions

What's unique about your campus?


The thing that I consider to be the best about my school is how helpful and nice everyone is to each other, It does not matter the race or the person's culture. Everyone likes to get to know everyone and does not offend others.


The best thing about my school is definitely the location. We are on a nature preserve and once you are on campus you do not see or hear anything but what is school related. Once you come off campus you are 15 minutes from the beach and down town and 5 minutes to the closest shopping mall and where we can get groceries and other things off campus.


The on-campus activities.


It's tight-knit and self-contained.


The best thing about my school is that is very big and well known, but it still has small aspect feel to it. I feel that I can actually make connections with my professors and have a voice in my school.


The best thing about my school is all the activies that go on. There is also something to do on campus weather it be something from a movie night, to a concert, or even laser tag. There is much to do to keep you occupied and having a good time!


The school supports academics and promotes the arts above all else.


UNF has enough on-campus activities to keep a commuter student happy. Most classrooms are within walking distance from UNF parking garages. An annual premium parking permit is available to students. For those without a premium permit, a shuttle service is included in the cost of tuition and is available to all current UNF students. Transfer students who have at least completed their freshmen year are not required to live on campus. The Boathouse is a thriving restaurant to be at (especially during) lunchtime. UNF already has Starbucks. Fun fact: Jamba Juice is coming to UNF's Fitness Center!


The best thing about my school is that everyone that goes here acts as if we are part of our own community with in Jacskonville and that are campus is on a nature preserve.


The best thing about my University is the size of the classrooms. This being said having a smaller ratio of students per professors help the student learn better and concentrate. Also the students feel the need to come to class since the Professor actucally knows their name. While at huge Universities such as the University of Florida there class room size is huge. This gives students no hands on.