The worst thing about the school is walking to class in the rain, there is not a lot of parking
I don't love the quarter system too much. It moves really fast sometimes and i feel rushed in my studies. However, after about 10 weeks of school I am ready to end the classes I am in and start new ones! In addition to what I have said, it takes about 3-4 weeks to kind of figure out how the class works and how the tests work but by then the term is already half way over. I sill love every minute of it though. It drives me to work harder every minute that i have.
The only scholarship I was able to receive was one for my grades and it was very small. I came to this school having no idea what college life was like and no advisor helped me. My parents don't pay a time for my schooling but that meant nothing to the school. The faculty does not care about students individually. I started in one major and was driven out of it because the faculty didn't think of me personally.
There hasn't been anything that I absolutely hate about my school.
The classrooms and buildings are not all up-to-date. The largest lecture hall on campus (about 500 seats) is falling apart, has terrible acoustics, and uncomfortable seats. Many other classrooms are small or uncomfortable. They mostly have adequate teaching equipment, but have old desks and sometimes no control of room temperature. Many buildings could use an update or makeover. Other than that, I love this school and everything about it.
For me, coming from a smaller college, the size of the school is probably the worst thing. I was used to smaller classes, with more one-on-one interaction with the professors. Those are available here; just harder to find and get into.
The campus is amazing but there are a few limitations to it. Often much of the money that gets donated to the campus goes directly to the business and sports facilities. Some of the other buildings could use some maintenance. While this is not hugely detrimental it is rather annoying that money usually goes first to those two (sports, business) and whatever is left over goes to the other parts of campus. There are parts of campus that bring the old colonial mixed with the modern. Unfortunately, in order to continue to maintain those colonial buildings they require funds.
the worse thing about the school is the older buildings on campus, they really need to be renovated but that would cost alot of money.
The area that it's located in.
I have worked so hard for my grades, and the classes in which I have worked the hardest I have earned B's because of unfair grading. I have literally gone to see several different proffessors 12-15 times during a term while having trouble or questions and have not gotten into his/her office hours or the prof does not answer questions or 7 trips later does not remember my name. It is absurd.
My school can be a little too large so if you are taking general classes its easy to slip under the radar and not get individual attention.
So fast passed, since we are on trimester system, classes start and end SUPER fast
The worst thing about my school would have to be along the lines of perhaps scheduling and obtaining the classes you would like. This is simply because the oldest get to pick first because they need classes to complete their major requirements. Class availability would probably be the term to use here. It is not all that bad however, I moderately still get the classes I need.
The worst thing about the University of Oregon is that I feel like a lot of the professors that teach 100 level classes and upper division classes treat their lower division classes as if they are thee upper division which is not fair to the students at all.
The worst thing about my school is the huge lecture halls, sometimes 400-500 students. At times its very hard to communicate with the teacher because there are so many students. Other than that I believe this is a great school.
The weather can be horrible in eugene in the winter and fall terms, which makes school depressing.
That it rains a lot and is very cold during the winter.
The parking. There is one main parking area and that is pretty much it and it is a little walk from most classes.
classes fill up fast. cant get into classes sometimes.
The fact that players of popular athletic teams seem to be ably to cheat in class. Obvious reasons as to why this is the worst thing about my school.