The fall 2020 acceptance rate for University of Oregon is 77%. That means, out of _____ applications received in 2020, _____ students were offered admission.
What should every freshman at your school know before they start?
I have come to grasp a larger world view gained through insight by my college experiences. I realized that it is important to be critical of everything and that deep thinking is required of every subject matter. I aquired some skills that allow me to be a better person and have learned to engage in various activities for enjoyment purposes. I have made new friends and been touched by the people I have interacted with. I will continue to share friendship with many college friends throughout my entire life - strong bonds have been foraged between us. Attending college allowed me to figure out what I actually wanted to do with my life and led me toward a career I think I will be happy with.
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Describe the students at your school.
My classmates are intelligent and engaging, and share a common interest in the study that I am focused on.
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Describe how your school looks to someone who's never seen it.
The University of Oregon environment consists of a growing, but small Greek community; students who support athletics and each other; and a sense of relaxation and enjoyment for the outdoors.
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What are the academics like at your school?
Starting out at the University of Oregon you usually take larger classes. My largest class freshmen year was of 500 students. It sounds frightening but it really was not so bad and the professors are still willing to help you if you need it. There are also smaller classes that you might have to take such as writing, a foreign language or math. These classes usually have around 25 students which makes the learning environment a bit more friendlier and less intimidating.
Freshmen year you have the option of being in a FIG, freshmen interest group. There are different options for figs. I chose one called Breaking the Wall about Postwar Germany. When you are in a fig you take three classes with the same 25 people. This helps you make a group of friends and gives you easy access to study partners if you are having trouble in any one of the three classes. I would highly recommend it. I made one of my best friends through the fig. Some of the FIGs are residential, meaning that you even live with your other classmates.
My favorite class so far has been History of Christianity because it was not a class that I had ever really thought about taking. It turned out to be very interesting and made me realize that I could be interested in something completely different than I had originally thought. My least favorite class was probably Mind and Brain, a psychology class that I used as a science credit, just because I am not a science person.
Students typically study everyday. Because we are on terms it is very important that you do not get behind as the terms go by very fast and it is hard when you fall behind. But, you still have plenty of time to have fun with friends! I think that classes get much better the older you get at the University because you eventually end up taking classes for your major and the majority of people in your classes are very serious and interested about the topics. The classes also get smaller the higher level your classes are.
I am a history major. My classes right now are around 30-35 people. Next term I take my last history class, the 407 seminar, where we sign up for a class (mine is the USSR in Wartime) and then we write a paper on a specific topic of that subject. The class only consists of about 12 people and we spend the term researching for our paper. This class focuses our studies on one specific time period and subject helping us figure out how to write a research paper that could potentially turn into a thesis.
The professors at the University of Oregon are very friendly and are willing to help their students if need be. They all are required to have office hours where students can visit and ask questions. If you are not able to meet at that time they are usually flexible in scheduling appointments that fit your schedule. Their job is to help you learn. The University's academic requirements are tough but if you are studying a subject that you love then they are really stimulating.
The University also offers a career center that helps students make resumes, plan interviews and find internships.
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What do you consider the worst thing about your school? Why?
the worse thing about the school is the older buildings on campus, they really need to be renovated but that would cost alot of money.
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Here's your chance: Say anything about your college!
I came to the University of Oregon because of the spirt. Of course it's green and beautiful as well but I wanted to be a part of the huge spirited community of the ducks!
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What's unique about your campus?
The best thing about this school is the location of all the buildings because it's very easy to get to one class to another on a bike. Also, we have a great athletic program and the Ducks are very successful in sports, including football, basketball and track and field.
Read all 42 answers
What's the most frustrating thing about your school?
The most frustrating aspect of the University of Oregon would have to be its lack of diversity. Even though there are a lot of different personalities, there isn't much diversity in ethnicity or socio-economic backgrounds. I would have liked to have met more people that were from or had lived in other countries to gain more of an international perspective.
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What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?
I wish I knew how hard upper division classes were. They require you to study non-stop. If you don't study you won't pass. You must go to class & study. Be ready or be ready to fail!
Read all 39 answers
What is your overall opinion of this school?
I absolutely cherish the University of Oregon, the environment is friendly and there is a lot of diversity on the campus. All of the professors and staff are very supportive and friendly and for the most part actively participate in making sure students succeed. My favorite part about the school is that there is a lot of school spirit not only on campus, but around the entire town. I've never felt so connected to the people in my area. Another thing that is a favorite of mine is that there are so many opportunities to do what you love and stand up for what you believe in. There are many clubs and there are always protests or surveys that are open for participation.
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What kind of person should not attend this school?
Someone who doesnt like the outdoors or the rain, also someone who is very conservative I believe could feel out of place on this campus.
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What is the stereotype of students at your school? Is this stereotype accurate?
The University of Oregon has been stereotyped as being a "hippie" school for quite some time now. Hearing the terms "stoners", "granola munchers", and "tree huggers" was not uncommon for me to hear when people were describing the University to me when I first applied. However, I am from a small town in Idaho so most people there usually see every more liberal state as being this way. I am proud to say, however, that I believe the University of Oregon has a very diverse student body. Yes, it has its fair share of hippies, but along with these there are jocks (obviously, we are the Ducks after all), greek life members (including myself), punk rocker kids, etc. The diverse student body is great because it causes one to branch out of their normal group of friends. Within my sorority in itself there are many hippie girls, Asians, preppy girls, and more!
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Describe your favorite campus traditions.
Our sports, especially football.
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What kind of person should attend this school?
A student who wants to be engaged in the school. We have very strong school spirit and the whole University makes everyone feel engaged. This is a school with an EXCELLENT Public Relations program. We are the only school that works on a campaign with real clients in our final class of the sequence.
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What are the most popular student activities/groups?
The most popular activities are sporting events, exploring the nature of Eugene and Greek life.
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What do you brag about most when you tell your friends about your school?
I would say that I brag most about how beautiful Eugene and the surrounding area is. And probably how liberal (for the most part) the student body is.
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Is the stereotype of students at your school accurate?
For the most part, no. We have just as many Abercrombie, football loving, Coors drinking kids as the next big university...perhaps too many. OSU overflow I guess...
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What is the stereotype of students at your school?
All students are liberal hippies.
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Why did you decide to go to this school?
When I visited campus I was amazed by the beauty of all the trees and the timeless brinck buildings. When I stepped inside the classrooms I was impressed with all the modern amenities. I was also greeted by many people who were excited to answer any questions I had about life at the U of O.
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Tell us about the sports scene on campus.
For sports, football is prevalent. Everyone loves football. The other sports are well recognized too, but football is mainly what draws the crowds.
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