The most frustrating thing about University of Oregon is not being able to take the classes you want to take when you want to take them.
I would say that the most frustrating thing about my school is that it lacks a sense of diversity, however as a native to the state of Oregon, I feel that the entire state lacks a strong sense of diversity, and the majority of inhabitants seem to be mostly caucasion. In contrast, I have never felt that at the University of Oregon there has ever been any form of discrimination or racial inequality in my own experience.
Everybody drinks or does drugs and the facilty doesn't seem to care about these problems. If you have a conservative mind-set, you are looked down upon by EVERYBODY-students, falcuty, staff. The fact that I am a Republican, and some proffessors knew it, significatly lowered my grades last quarter. It is SICK how this school pretends to be accepting, but in fact, is not at all. I had to transfer from UCSD because of financial issues. I would transfer back in a heartbeat if I had the money. UofO is nothing compared to UCSD.
I have had diverse teachers for very complicated classes, and i could barely understand them. It is hard to learn in a class where the teacher cannot speak fluent english. When it comes to the complicated classes, even though the teacher knows what they are teaching about, it should be a teacher who can speak fluently and the majority of the class can understand the material.
For me, the most frustrating thig is registering for classes. I seem to never get the schedule and classes I want/ need.
Academics are frustrating, especially coming from a small town, I'm not used to the big lecture hall type classes. The fact of trying to be a perfectionist academically. Trying to to the best for your family, and trying to graduate on time.
It is always raining here, and there is too much drinking
The most frustrating thing about m yschool is probably trying to find good affordable off campus housing.
That the classes go way too fast.
Not having enough student housing/ apartments close to campus. Within walking distance.
gym closes early.
I've gained tons of hands-on experience in the Journalism field, so not much specifically about my school, but more about the price of college. I wasn't super involved in High School. I had a good GPA, but since we have a large student body, I got no scholorships. Here I am my senior year and one of the most recognized students in the journalism school, and still all I've gotten is $1,200 from the school and I'm thousands in debt. It's rediculous. I should have went to community college for two years.
The unhelpfulness of the administration when it comes to financial aid and class-overload issues.
Study abroad opportunities are only granted after meeting the school's rigorous academic standards and not the abroad campus/company's standards. Since a year study abroad is cheaper than a year of out-of-state tuition, it seemed these school standards were created so that out of state students who have the possibility of not graduating in four years (lower GPAs) will be paying full price and staying in the US and missing amazing opportunities.
I was not satisfied with my experiences at the School of Music where I received my degree.
The most frustrating thing for me is when i need something from the adminstration, i feel like when i go there its hard to find the answers that i want. Most of the time it is easier if i just look online for it.
There aren't enough classes that focus on hands-on learning in this school. As a kinesthetic learner, I need classes like this to truly progress and gain knowledge. I would also like to see more classes taking advantage of student labor and intelligence to benefit the community (get some occupational tie-ins)
Expensive equipment fees, long hours, some oudated technology
The way peple are a little single minded about some things. Additionally, the way certain races idolize other race. I think it takes away from the academic ability or drive of the other race (me being one of the "other race" that is still driven)