University of Pittsburgh-Bradford Top Questions

What should every freshman at University of Pittsburgh-Bradford know before they start?


Dear Self, Nothing right now is as important as it seems. That relationship with your high school, on again off again, boyfriend is not going to work out, and you're going to lose touch with most of the catty girls that you consider your friends. Your family is who is going to be there for you all throughout college, so relinquish yourself from the unnecessary drama and focus on the important things in your life, your relationship with your family and your education. Study hard and take your classes seriously for they will be what truly prepares you for the work load of a college coarse. Lastly, remember to always be and love yourself. Confidence is what will get you to where you want to be. If you don't believe me look at all the obstacles you've already overcome, and now look to the future where you will reach your goal of playing college basketball despite the physical odds. You can do anything you set your mind to, so live your life to the fullest and never stop chasing your dreams. Self


If I were to go back in time and advise myself about collge and transitioning, I would tell myself not to believe everything you hear. College is not just about the partying. It is about studying hard to acheive good grades. It is about feeling accomplished and proud of yourself, because going to college is a giant step towards the future. I would advise myself to focus on my grades and tell myself that it is alright to become overwhelmed. It is a lot of work to get used to. I would advise myself, college is not like high school and going to college will be the hardest I would of had to do in my life yet so far. I needed new ways of studying my old methods no longer worked. I would warn myself that even though A's and B's were what I got in high school, does not mean college would be the same. College is supposed to be more challenging. It is supposed to push passed the boundaries we once held in high school. I would advise myself to go to every class. It is my future and my degree at stake.


If I could go back in time I would tell myself that grades are very important and to get good ones. I would alos tell myself to look for more scholarships and plan my classes more efficiently.


Dear Senior Year Chelsea, Your college life is going to start out rough. You are going to face some struggles that most others will not; that is nothing new in your life, though. As always, you will make it through; you are strong enough. The first week of your first semester of college, you will have your appendix removed. You will total your car at the beginning of your second semester. The third semester, well, that one will be one of your toughest; many family emergencies and your part-time job turning into a full-time job leave you running ragged, yet you still manage to keep your grades up. Keep your head up; things will always get better as they always have. God will not give you more than you can handle. On your rough days, pull up The Serenity Prayer, as it has always given you strength and courage before. Keep up the good work. You will look back and appreciate all of the struggles you were forced to endure. Love Always, Present-day Chelsea P.S. You may have the chance to graduate a semester early due to your hard work and dedication.


I would tell my self not to worry about the little things, STOP procrastinating so much and work on better studying habits.


Attending college has meant a lot to me because I am the first in my family to attend. Having an education is very valuable in getting a well paying job when I graduate. After watching my brothers, who did not attend college, struggle through jobs, I am taking everything I can from my college experience. I want to open my own petstore someday and without a bachelors degree I know that will be nearly impossible. University of Pittsburgh-Bradford has a great entreprenuership program in which I am majoring. The teachers really want to help you learn how to open you own business and do everything they can to help you succeed. Finishing my degree would mean the world to me and opening my own petstore someday would mean even more. This scholarship would really help me and I would appreciate it greatly.


If I could go back I'd tell myself about my regrets in High School. Personally when I started my senior year, I was starting to realize that I needed to take more steps to becoming successful because my previous years of high school were ridiculed with poor work ethics. Now that I'm in college I now realize I could've taken even more steps to become more successful. One major part of high school I regret is that I didn't join clubs or organizations like I do now. I thoroughly enjoy doing behind-the-scenes work with events and it's what I do now with the Student Activities Club in college. Another step I could've taken my senior year was to study for the SAT more because my 2nd SAT scores didn't improve. Although I was in honor roll my senior year, I felt I could've taken many more challenging classes like English 12 Honors. Last, but not least, was that I never got a job even after graduating high school. Working gives extra money and experience for college that can be the difference between staying inside or going out and having fun.


I would tell myself that although there is more freedom in college and definitely a lot more fun than college, nothing from high school can prepare for what college does for you. It's more than the academic responsibilty that you are faced with, but the slow transition of becoming an adult will be tough. Financial responsibility and being on your own may sound great but actually being responsible is more important and harder than it sounds. You may think it's easy, but being a college student requires a certain level a maturity if you want to be successful. So pay attention, and stay on track.


I would tell myself that everything would be ok and that there is really nothing to be worried about. I would tell myself to become more organized and learn how to take better notes. I would tell myself that the people at UPB are going to be welcoming and accepting and that i should take the time to meet some new people and make friends. I would tell myself as a senior in high school that i should not stress about the little things and that the professors at UPB will always be there when you need help and will do there best to do so. I would also tell myself that i shouldn't stress about school starting in the fall instead i should be focusing on enjoying the last few days i have with my friends and classmates cause you never know how the new people you meet and friends you make will affect you life and how you look at things. Because college will change your prespective on life. So i would tell myself to live in the here and now but always be planning for the future.


I would tell myself that college is no joke. I wouldnt tell myself that I should be worried about the school its self but the costs to go to college, what i could have done to better prepare myself for the financial aspect. Every student who enrolls into college and has to pay out of pocket to go and only has a job thats gets em by in the mean time to pay for the things you need just to get to school and work alone. As soon as you get that first billing payment for student loans your heart drops because its so much money and you barely even have enough to pay for gas, food, etc. My main advice I could give myself is to have a better saving plan for my money if it was even possible. college life really isnt any different from high school life and the only advice i could give my self is that just like high school all school work counts. Dont be a slacker in other words. Like I said the biggest concerns about college is the financial area when your a paying out of the pocket to go.