University of Pittsburgh-Bradford Top Questions

What should every freshman at University of Pittsburgh-Bradford know before they start?


I would tell any parents or students looking for the "right" college to think about what is important to them. The little things really add up. I choose the University of Pittsburgh Bradford because it was the distance, class size, and price range I wanted. When you search you need to take all the small details into mind, including do you like the dorm style, meal plan, and library. As for gaining the best college experience possible my advice is simple; do everything. Try anything you can. I have attended classes I am not taking, sat in meetings for clubs I am not involved in, and I go to as many university-sponsored activities as I can fit into my schedule. This way you can truely experience the most of what your college has to offer, you make great connections, and have a wonderful time making the most of the semesters. The best advice I can give is to get involved, take risks, and dig for the best of what your university can offer you. That is how you make your college the right college for you.


make sure its affordable and has good ratings. you dont have to go to the most expensive school!!! also smaller schools are better, easier to get classes!


If your son or daughter is interested in sports, I would talk with the directer/coach of the sport to figure out what is going on. Talk to the professors your kids are going to be seeing at least twice a week. Or you can make sure your son or daughter talks with the professor as least once a week, in the professors office.


Once you find a college that focuses on your field of study, what is most important is whether the campus actually fits. The college may be considered a great place, but students and parents alike must remember that any student makes what he or she wants out of their college experience, the place should not define the person, but the person the place. By getting involved in your community/campus, maintaining your grades, gaining leadership opportunities, and becoming a person who enjoys interactions with others and succeeds in them is vital. What I found to be vital is not worrying about what my friends are doing, not what people think I should do, or just following what others are doing in general, but following my own independent and responsible goals that are realistic. No one wants to be stuck in a place where they do not feel like they belong or can excel. I am happy to say that I feel at home on this campus and know that I have the opportunity for success. If you go to a college do it for yourself and make sure that the place is somewhere you want to be for four years.


Make sure that the campus is right for you and fits your personality try talking to some of the students that attend the college while you are visiting. Also ask about campus life outside of the school what activities can the students do and also transportation back and forth to school.


The advice that I would give to a parent or student looking for a college that is right for them, is to take a tour of every school's campus that you are interested in attending. During the tour of the campus make sure you talk to the financial aid department, president of the school, and a couple of teachers in your field of interest. Speaking to all the neccessary people and paying full attention on the tour is the first step to getting the most out of your college experience. When you find the college of your choice, I would strongly advise you to join some clubs on campus. Joining clubs on campus is a very good way to intergrate yourself in the school's atmosphere and most importantly it is a good way to meet new people.


Find a school that has great academic programs, has a good reputation, but is also a school that is within your ability to afford and has good opportunities for things outside of academics as well.


Take your time deciding where to go! Don't settle on the first school you look at. Decide on what works best for you. Some people like the hustle and bustle of a large campus -- I don't, but that's just me. Also, join clubs and get involved! This is especially true if you're commuting as it can be hard to establish any sort of social framework outside of these organizations. Have fun -- you'll only get the chance once (if you do things like study and avoid hitting the booze too hard).


Look for the college that's right for you. Don't go because of your friends, or because of the cost. Go because you want to learn all that you can about a particular major, to make it your livelyhood, and you know that this university you're eyeing up is the right on for you based on that. Parents, help your child to make that decision on their own. College is all about independence, and by supporting their choices, whatever they may be, you're affording them the oppertunity to gain confidence they can later use in their lives. Most of all, have fun. These are some of the best years of your life, and by choosing the college that's right for you, then you'll be better able to make the most of them, and create some of the greatest memories you'll possibly ever find. Follow you hearts, and follow your dreams, but be sure to keep an open mind through it all. Search, and you never know just what you'll find lying alongside the road of life you've started on.