College is nothing like high school, it is much better. College learning is stressful but it is also much more enjoyable than high school. It's a want to, not a have to, and you learn a lot more than you think that you would. It is actually something that you would enjoy experiencing. Look at what your role-playing as a child consisted of (being a nurse and being a teacher), which you did for hours at a time. That is obviously what interests you the most in terms of a career. Look at what goals you need to set in order to achieve these options and go for it. Don't be impatient, but take it one step at a time, and advance to the next level when you are ready.
For many reasons, even the act of valuing an education unfortunately remains an indulgence that many do not attain. I entered the school system in fourth grade, which is tremendously late compared to many students. As one would imagine catching up on years of foundational learning is no simple task. As a result, I developed a hunger and appreciation for education. Having the opportunity to attend college in itself is valuable to me and serves as a testament to my accomplishment in not merely catching up but pursuing a professional degree. College and education have taught me that nothing will come free or easy. The pride I feel and the advantage of working for every ounce of success that I receive has proved to be a valuable part of my college experience. While I realize that I am alone in the fulfillment of my own goals I have learned that building relationships and balancing stress relief are equally important in achieving ones goals. College, in only one semester, has surely begun to equip me with skills that will lead me everywhere I want to go.
Before entering college, I had no conception of the words hard work. Most things were given to me or came easy. I never studied, yet was able to maintain my grades. My mother, being a single mother of four, drilled into me the importance of a college education because she struggled to provide for my siblings and me without one. She expressed that only through hard work and determination can someone succeed, yet my youthfulness made me ignorant and stubborn. I entered college with the same ideals I had in high school. Finally after years of stubbornness I learned you reap the fruits of you labor. I rarely studied and my grades began to plummet. It was not until I buckled down and exerted effort that my grades began to improve. College taught me the value of hard work because without it, one cannot succeed. Likewise without a college education, acquiring a career is almost impossible. Presently without highrt forms of education, even the simplest jobs will not hire. Furthermore, college provides interactions with people of different backgrounds and creates well-rounded individuals. It serves as a precursor for the real world and opens many doors not present without it.
So far at this point in my college career I have learned to manage time, I have learned more about myself, and I have became more well rounded student. It has been valuable to attend becuase I am trying to mold and shape myself not only as a student but as a person. I think that college is not just about your status, but it is about developing character while you are tryig to acheive your goal. The values I have gained and will continue to gain is self accomplishment, resilance ,and will power. Those are traits that cannot be taught, but can be gained through the journey through college. I think I am a vey good candidate of this scholarship and I appreciate you giving me the opportunity.
I have gotten not only a very good education out of college, but i have also received many life lessons. I have also gained many new friends.
In my time here at Pitt-Johnstown, I have had an amazing time learning and interacting with fellow students as well as my professors. I think that my experience at Pitt-Johnstown has been valuable in many ways. I am very glad I chose to attend a small school because I have had the opportunity to get to know my professors. I have a leadership posistion on campus which has let me be a role model to the incoming freshman. I have learned to expand my horizons and get involved in new things on campus and in the community which is the true goal of a liberal arts school. I have learned a lot here both on and off campus as well as in and out of the classrooms. Pitt-Johnstown is helping me get ready for the real world and shaping me to have a better tomorrow.
During my college experience at the University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown, it have found it valuable to learn how to live on my own and become independent. I also gained time management skills from balancing class, i have met many new people, and made new friends. I have also endured a great education and professors with great knowledge. I also value the helpful proffessors that take time out of their day to help a student in need. Any problem i have had it is easily fixed with the help of the academic success center where they offer free tutoring for almost every subject, i found this very helpful when preparing for tests, or when i am having trouble writing a paper. I feel the University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown is a great campus with great oppurtunites for students who are looking for smaller class sizes, and helpful proffessors.
From my college experience, I have learned that finding out what you want to do with your life is important. You want to find a subject or topic you love and are passionate about so you always want to learn more. You never want to be bored or uninterested in what you're being taught. If you are, then you've wasted your time and money. When you love what you learn, then you'll love your work later on. That's what is most important to me; planning my schooling so that I will enjoy life after college.
My preperation would include, first taking my academic classes more serious, second saving more money from my job to apply for college and third applying myself more in activities outside the classroom and possibly forming better friendships with those in my classrooms.
If I could go back in time and give myself advice knowing what I know now, I would give myself two pieces of advice. First, I would tell myself about time management. As a freshmen entering college, I found myself being a social butterfly and not focusing as much attention on my academics. I would tell myself to use my time wisely and to get my work done before calling friends to hang out, or just slacking off. The second piece of advice I would give myself would to be follow my heart and not worry so much about money. When I came to college as a freshmen, I was a Pre-Pharmacy major because I wanted to be wealthy. Coming from a lower-middle class neighborhood, money was something I always strived to have a lot of. After completely 3 years of college and finally settling on a major in Communication, I realize that money can't buy you happiness. Only your passions in life can truly make you happy. If I knew these two pieces of advice entering college, I feel the transition into college life would have been a little bit smoother.