University of Pittsburgh-Johnstown Top Questions

What should every freshman at University of Pittsburgh-Johnstown know before they start?


If I could go back to high school and give advice to myself I would tell myself to use better studying habits and do more than what the teachers told me. The teachers at my high school taught to the standardized tests and we learned very little in the four years beyond that. In senior year, I was taught very little and as a result I struggled at times in my first semester in college. Along with that I never read much and did not take many notes. I would tell myself to practice stronger study skills and read more books. I would also tell myself to read beyond what the teacher explains. These skills would allow me to do even better in college.


I would make sure that i put studying first and make sure that I following all rules and regulations. And sure myself with the people that are well adjusted and know thier way around the campus.


Become involved in as many campus activities as possible without overwhelming yourself and neglecting studies. Working is essential and may be necessary to complete college, however extracurricular activities, publishing contests, and any other curricular motivated work is greatly looked upon after graduating. While extraneous pressure to decide on a major is prominent, take your time to research your likes, dislikes, and future occupational goals, dont be afraid to change your mind or tweak your decisions if you find out new information about set goals that no longer may be applicable to your plans. Graduating in 4 years is always the goal, however rushing to reach that goal may cause you to make mistakes that could be prevented if you work at your own pace. Do not succumb to competition in school, tho you may gauge yourself academically by your classmates progress in the class, allow yourself to work on your own level and dont stop asking questions until you understand and can explain it to someone else. Dont be afraid to reach for goals higher than what you have imagined, you will surprise yourself. And turn a deaf ear to ANY negativity!


To stay focused, and to work harder throughout my Senior year. I feel I have so much wasted talent because I did not apply myself throughout highschool. I would tell myself about what College has showed me about myself; my strengths and my weaknesses. I would tell myself to study more, and focus on the kind of future I have always wanted for myself. I would also tell myself to do my best to keep in touch with friends because College can be a very lonely place when you have lost all of your true friends. I would also remind myself that my parents will always be my biggest fans.


Finding the right college should first be addressed by academics (i.e. major availability and reputation), and then on location, and finally on cost. If a decision still can't be reached after sifting through the options, then the student's reaction to the campus upon a college visit should act as the deciding factor between any competing schools. When trying to make the most of the college experience, I think it is important to take the time up to the first exam to learn or relearn how to study. The first exam marks should then be used to evaluate the techniques tried. Any students should keep in mind that having fun and blowing off steam isn't only enjoyable, but is an absolute necessity. Take the time to hang out with friends, and especially make sure you allow yourself study breaks to recharge your mind. You won't learn nearly as effectively if your mind is never allowed to reorient itself and is constantly bombarded to the point of numbness.


Choose a college where you are comfortable. Base your decision on an enviroment that suites you best.


Make sure it is somewhere you want to go. You have to find a place that makes you feel comfortable and like a home. Remember home is where the heart is. To have your heart in a place where you want to learn helps even more and keeps you motivated! You won't always find it on the first pick, you have to try out a few options. Pay a visit, maybe even stay over night. Just pick the one that you feel the best at . Thats the way to find the right college for you!


The one thing i would say would be to go with your gut. When you step on the campus that is right for you, you should just feel it. But also, i would say look as the student to faculity ratio. You don't want to be just a number to your profesors. You want them to know your name and know who you are. And lastly, get involved. Every college has many different clubs and activities. Look for a club that has to do with your major and join that. This will help you to get to know upper classmen in yout major and they will come in as a big help to you by telling you which professors and classes are the best to take. It will also help you make friends and a big part of college is being social.


If you are looking for a place that is not too far from your family but enough space for you to grow into your own person, look for a place that is 2-3 hours away. There is always going to be a great school somewhere around you that has exactly what you want. I never saw myself staying at the University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown for all four years, but I managed to form a life here. College is what you make it. I started with no friends and now everytime I go somewhere I see someone I know. But be sure that academics are high on your list for picking a great school. Also, get involved on campus. It is a great opportunity to see what you are capable of doing while having a great time. So visit schools, meet people, and be sure "the shoe fits" before you make your decision!


Chose an environment that you will be comfortable in because you are going to spend the next four years of your life married to the college of your choice. If you are a country person and like small class chose a smaller school. If you are a city person and like the night life go to a bigger college closer to the city. Just choose what is you!