University of Portland Top Questions

What kind of person should not attend University of Portland?


Somebody who does not like to get involved and build a community would not enjoy attending the University of Portland. Students are very dedicated to helping their peers and taking advantage of as many opportunities as possible. Students strive to create a safe, inspiring environment where everyone feels like they belong. An individual who did not like to build community would have a hard time fitting in because they would be the minority and other students would constantly ask them if they wanted to be involved.


A person who does not like to think critically about their beliefs and their lifestyle should not attend the University of Portland. Everyone is required to take philisophy and think critically about life.


While the University of Portland is a Catholic University, it is also incredibly accepting. This is not a college for people who discriminate against peoples of other races, gender identities, or sexual preferences. That type of behavior is not tolerated on this campus, and could easily result in expulsion. People who do not enjoy community service or reaching out into the local community are also discouraged to attend.


University of Portland does not have the social atmosphere of say a large state school, or a school with a greek system. Don't get me wrong, there are plenty of opportunities for socializing, meeting new people and having fun at the University of Portland but if as a prospective student you are looking to live it up party style and have the craziest time of your life, this school probably isn't for you.


There is a wide variety of people at U of P. That is one of my favorite things about this school. However, there are the few that attend large state schools such as Oregon State or the University of Oregon for social reasons as well as academic. While a good support system is important, there is more to college than parties and social gatherings. I feel that U of P has rather rigorous courses, so the students who attend should be very commited to their school work.


If you are the kind of person looking for a big school that you can lose youreself in, then this isn't the school for you. The University of Portland is a small school where at times it seems like everyone knows everyone. You also shouldn't come to this school if you're looking for a party everyday. There are a lot of things you can do to entertain yourself with your friends but generally you can't just find some random house party to walk into.


Friendly, focused, career-oriented, determined, outgoing, love the rain,


Any person who does not value hard work, dedication, and community should not attend University of Portland. This school emphasizes community involvement in the University, the nieghborhood around the University, and the greater Portland area. The University tries to produce educated citizens to go back into their communities. You must have this ideal for this University to be a good fit.


A person very biased against a religous community probably wouldn't thrive here because of the strong catholic influence here. A person that does not do enough studying to keep up in class because they will start to struggle. Also, if a student is looking for a school with big parties with fraternities and sororites and that kind of activities, this probably isn't the place for them. There are things to do, but not related to that, and not nearly as big.


Someone who doesn't care about school and connecting with others. If you don't like small classes don't come here either




Sadly, this school has limited diversity when it comes to race/ethnicity. A common complaint among the students is the lack of diversity at the university. It is working on increasing the diversity of the student population but the majority of the students are middle class Caucasian individuals. If a potential student is looking for a school where they are exposed to a variety of people, I would not suggest this school. However if a potential student wants to help increase the diversity by attending the university, I would highly recommend it as the school wants to increase its diversity.


Honestly, an individual that is incredibly artsy or interested in more artistic endeavors probably would not fit in as well. There are artsy individuals, and there is an appreciation, but it is not as artistic as it could be. The students tend to be more medical or science based in their interests. I would also suggest that if a person identifies as anything other than Catholic or Christian, that he or she should ask questions regarding the required religious classes before deciding to attend.


The kind of person that shouldn't attend this school is someone who's mind and heart is not truly motivated to obtain a higher level of education. This school costs about $50,000 a year to attend. If someone were to attend this school without the intention of making the most of their education, then they would not be utilizing the schools resources to its maximum potential and therefor not maximizing his or her potential and wasting a big sum of money each year.


People that just want to earn a college degree should not attend University of Portland. University of Portland professors exspect you to come to office hours, ask thought provoking questions and learn the material in hopes of being the best in your field or study. It is not a school were you can just float through your classes, but a school were you have to be passionate about every class you take. Other than that, anybody can attend University of Portland! The school does not discrimnate racially, ethincally, religously or by sexual oirentation. It is very accepting.


This is the type of school that is extremely rigorous, to a degree that can catch students off guard. However, those students who have a plan for thei r study and pursue it accordingly succeed. The University of Portland is really in a league of college quality that is just a notch below the Stanfords and the Ivy Leagues, and so the education that students receive there must be taken seriously. The type of student who will not succeed (I've seen it happen) is the one who regrets settling for U.P. Make the most of it!


If you are not dedicated to your school work, then this is not the place for you. Yeah, you can still have fun every once in a while, but if you go out every weekend and get behind on your school work, then you will not succeed.


Everyone who attends University of Portland is very goal oriented. If you are not willing to put effort into your classes and homework, UP is not the school for you. Also, it is very cold and rains frequently throughout the school year. If you prefer to be in a warm climate, I would not choose Portland.


Those who prefer to be drunk everday or attend parties often.


The type of student that should not attend this school is someone who works better in larger enviroments. University of Portland is a small school and you see familiar faces all the time. Some one who does not like the small school feel would not like this school.