University of Rhode Island Top Questions

Describe the students at University of Rhode Island.


Most of my friends are athletes because athletes usually hang out with eachother due to our similar schedules. I also am friends with students in my classes now that I am a junior because every class I take are with the same people. I feel that at URI you have to get involved with some sort of organization to find your place in the university. I usually wear jeans and a sweatshirt to class, which is what most people where. Most students are from the New England area, but I am from Florida and have friends from Minnesota and California so there's a large mix.


Primarily democratic. Open-minded. Racially diverse, and I would guess that the average student is from the lower middle class. I can't say that any particular type of student would feel out of place here. There are several handicapped people on campus, and they seem to have minimal trouble getting around, and they are friendly with and well-known by an extremely large number of students.


The majority of the students are beautiful women from R.I., Mass, New Jersey, New York and beyond. The out of staters are usually spoiled stoned rich kids but they're allright and most either straighten out or drop out. It can be a fashion show in class. The guys try to dress there best and the girls usually try to be as sexy as possible. Different types of students interact if they live in a dorm together or they work together in groups in classes. Most of the students are spoiled rich out of staters. The rest are like me, don't come from much but trying to prove myself here and get the opportunity to acquire a nice life. Most of the younger students aren't very politcally aware because they wear Che Guvera T-Shirts and don't know who he is. But if you take a couple poly-sci classes you'll learn all about politics. The students who know a little about politics typically lean to the left. Some students do talk about how much they will earn someday. Especially the students who came here with no money and dream of having enough to fullfill they're dreams.


Most students keep to themselves and hang out with their on clique. Most people are URI are middle class white Americans, but I've yet to have a racial experience. Everyone is pretty much cool on a interpersonal level. Its once you get to know people that some might be worse that others. When people party, its usually the same social class that parties with one another.


We have a very well rounded student body. I have friends of all races and religions. There is a club or organization for just about every racial or religious background so everybody fits in. Economically students are all over, some are wealthy while others are not, but that does not play an important role among the students. Politically, more students are democrats and being a republican myself that gets a little annoying, but i just know not to bring up anything political. Most of the students have a very laid back "surfer" attitude; beach clothes and flip flops are worn daily.


If you dont like to party, dont go to URI. It is very difficult to find other students who dont like to party which is something I encountered...However, URI is great for sports, the beach, friendly interactions. It is very easy to meet people especially in your first year because everyone is excited for their first year at college. Everyone dresses comfortably and you never feel like you are being judged for what you look like or what you are interested in... differences are definately appreciated. URI encourages diversity a lot which is part of what makes the campus so comfortable. Everyone comes from different financial backgrounds. I never even found it an issue. I have no idea whether my closest friends there were rich or poor... it really doesnt make a difference at URI. Pretty much everyone is from Rhode Island but there are a lot of people from New Jersey and Massachusetts as well. Things such as politics and money arent discussed much at URI which I found nice because students are focused on their aspirations and living in the current moment to learn rather than trying to please people. Voting is definately encouraged though and the importance of government is noticed it just isnt really common in general conversation.


The student body is diverse, but it's also large, so it's easy to feel very alone if you don't find your niche.


There are many clubs and groups on campus that accomodate a variety of backgrounds and cultures. There is something for everyone, you just have to find out where you fit in. Many URI students are from RI, NY or NJ.


URI is actually very similar to my hometown in that there is a majority white population in a very suburban area, with most of the people being from a middle to high part of the middle class.


URI is predominately white students. There is a population of minorities but, not very many. Everyone is nice to everyone, I have seen no fights and no major racism. Everyone seems to get along.