i feel like there is a definite racial barrier at uri, it's very noticeable to me. it seems that minorities tend to stick together and also the majority tend to stick together. i do not see a lot of interaction between them-and i find that to be very unfortunate.
most students you'll meet are from RI but a lot from NY, NJ, and MA. there are quite a bit from CT as well.
you'll find many many girls wearing ugg boots, northface jackets and tight leggings in the winter (well that might be out of style by next winter but who knows) a lot of people dress alike, you see tons of people w/ their greek letters on all the time, there's a very big and active greek system at URI, there seems to be something for everyone w/ fraternities/sororities.
It's not incredibly diverse. I could do without the jersey trash, too.
read the notes in the above ones
URI does not have a very diverse student body. I am a 21 year old caucasian male from a predominantly white town, and URI's student body is pretty reflective at home. Having said that, I have had the opportunity to work with international excahnge students from the pacific rim within the College of Business Administration, and I have found this to be one of the most rewarding experiences this school has had to offer. URI is predominantly left-wing, and there are many student groups present on campus. One of the most unique and effective is the GLBT center, which acts as a safe area for gay/lesbian/bisexual/transgendered students. We also have one of the best Women's Centers in the country. There, peer advocates counsel and assist female victims through the grieving and legal process.
It's not very nice, but a lot of the students of different race are in the special program that helps students, and gives them a second chance from highschool. I don't know what it's called, but they didn't do very well on SAT's, and highschool, but they are still given the same oppertunities as someone who did do well. The engineering major is not diverse at all, mostly white or asian. Students have no problem interacting with different races, different races aren't very common, in my field. Most students are very liberal here, it is RHode Island, whcih is a liberal state.
From everywhere. Lots of fun.
Students at URI are full of themselves. Half of them are driving massive SUVs paid for with "daddy's money". The other half spend their days prancing around in earthday/concert tee-shirts and preaching world peace. I feel like the greater part of campus is made up of the rich socialites who are only going to college to find a husband, OR are going to college to party and get laid. The other prevalent majority waste their time preaching their political views to anyone that is stupid enough to give them more then 2 seconds of their attention span.
They do have many clubs that sounds interesting but I would like it to be more variety.
URI SCHOOL SPIRIT! GOOO RHODY! Good Joke! One of the drawbacks of a dry campus. The student body has no motivation to go alot of the sporting events because of this. No beer sold at games, no tailgating, and dickhead event staff backed by anal cops 20ft away. URI is a diverse collection of students. Mostly from the New England area, New York, New Jersey (in a big way), and Pennsylvania. I live in Illinois, I can't explain that one. Out of state kids usually have money, and the Rhode Island students, like the state of Rhode Island itself, are usually poor. You have the jocks, the has-been highschool jocks, the partiers, the studious, the stoners, the homesick, the hard-core and joke greeks, and the just plain confused. The student body is mostly moderate with kids on the left and the right.
its sweet. I wish that at basketball games, there would be more student seats lower. and i wish there was more advertisement for sprots games. I never knew when any of the games were!