University of Richmond Top Questions

What is the stereotype of students at University of Richmond?


Some basic stereotypes about Richmond students are that everyone is rich, preppy, fratty, business majors, and white.


There is this belief that all Richmond students are rich, northern, preppy kids. We're too busy studying to have fun, they say.


The major stereotype is that Richmond students are very preppy, and have basically stepped out of a J. Crew catalog, as well as that students are very wealthy, and that everyone is involved in Greek life and from New Jersey.


Richmond students are thought of as Type-A personalities who are often Northern and preppy. This stereotype has changed some though since I was a freshman and is not as apparent anymore. The Type-A part is still relatively true because students are so competitive and want to do well in their classes. Often, academic sacrifices take away from other things. Students here are also over-committed because they want to be involved in so many things. We would probably benefit from cutting back and chilling out a little bit. The preppiness is fading though and as the years have gone on I have met more diverse students.


Richmond students only care about academics. Richmond students are super preppy. Richmond students live in a bubble. Richmond is lacking in diversity.


All richmond students are wealthy and most are from the northeast


Being from California I did not know any stereotypes before I attended. But I've heard that Richmond students supposedly walked right out of an Abercrombie & Fitch ad.


Some stereotypes are that everyone here is really rich and snobby and that we all wear designer clothes everyday.


I once was on a scavenger hunt, and one of the things we had to find was a person wearing a pink shirt with a popped collar. Suffice it to say that it was not the hardest item on the list to find. The stereotypical Richmond student is either upper-middle class or wealthier, drives a Mini, wears designer clothing, and either plays a sport or is in a fraternity/sorority.


Richmond students are definitely stereotyped as all being rich, preppy, white kids, and some will even say that we're all stuck up.