University of Richmond Top Questions

What is the stereotype of students at University of Richmond?


Richmond has a reputation for being snobby and overly-conservative.


"popular". studious. white.


People are preppy, preppy and more preppy. The student body is not diverse. Everyone has complete access to daddy's credit card. Every one is a business student.


All the girls are hot, wealthy, went to private schools, they excercise more than is healthy, they worry about what they eat too much, they all join greek life wear polo, lacoste, loafers, Vineyard Vines, are all blonde (not naturally) and much where pearls. The guys wear Vineyard Vines, wear sunglasses with those holders that keep them on them around their neck, they wear pastels readily and are really stuck up. They also join frats at a very high rate.


You'll often hear UR called "the Bubble" - which refers to the perceived isolation of the student body from the outside world, in terms of the campus' literal seclusion and supposedly narrow-minded social atmosphere. I don't think this label is completely fair; although the student body is certainly more on the homogeneous side, in my experience Richmond provides many opportunities to break out of this "bubble." Community service and international study are in particular supported by the campus community, and the school does a lot to encourage students to stretch outside their comfort zones and widen their worldviews. This doesn't mean that all students here take advantage of these opportunities, however, and sadly there do exist some striking divisions on campus, particularly racial and cultural.