All of the students are very kind and welcoming. Everyone on the floor in the dorms are close with each other and we help each other out with our studies.
Well, they are humans to say the least...I wouldn't know anything else about them yet.
There are a lot of international students at USF. It definitely has a very diverse group of students. Most students I know are very passionate about learning and are excited to be in college. It is really a great experience to interact with the international students because you can learn so much from their different experiences and upbringings.
Diverse! Unique! Intelligent!
The student body at USF is extremely diverse, so it can be difficult to make any vast generalizations. One common denominator, however, is that most students are wealthy. Tuition costs an arm and a leg, and that results in a relatively affluent student body. I once overheard students from another school say that everyone who attends USF must be "loaded" (they meant with money, not with drugs... though USF students do love to party! ;). It is not entirely unfair to describe USF as a safety school for rich kids who didn't work quite hard enough to get into an ivy league school. Most students come from California, Oregon, Washington, Colorado, Hawaii, or a foreign country. There are many different ethnicities here, though I do see a lot of privileged (dyed?) blondes running around campus. "USF" could stand for any of the following: University of Spoiled Foreigners, University of Spoiled Fuck Ups, or University of Single Females. The last one is particularly humorous-- it's true that the sex ratio is incredibly skewed. At least 60, if not 70{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} of the student body is female. The Spoiled Foreigners stereotype is definitely true as well. Freshman year, I took a class with a Middle Eastern prince. A lot of aristocratic foreigners with questionable English skills attend USF. Politically, students range from conservative Jesuits to liberal stoners to clueless rich kids who have never given a second thought to politics. Honestly, you'll find all types here at USF. The urban campus attracts every subset of the human race.
There are many types of students. They come from different countries and have different culture. However, because of the environment, we can easily get alone with each other. So everybody is fine. Unless someone really behave badly.
Everyone's really friendly in USF. No matter what race, religion, or sexual orientation, you will feel accepted. Freshmen year, it's really important to go out there and meet new people. it's not that hard. Different types of students interact. People who go here are from the city, the bay area, and other countries. Join a club, and you'll definitely feel like you're a part of something.
There is a lot of diversity in terms of race, orientation, and socio-economic conditions at this school. As a result of this, I feel like it is easy to find a group of people that you fit in with. There is also a lot of international students, many from Asia.
Although USF is a Jesuit School, there are people of all sorts of backgrounds, cultures, ethnicity, religions, etc. It is San Francisco, after all, so the whole school is a giant melting pot of just about everyone! It would be pretty impossible to feel out of place at this school. In addition, I feel as though the school is pretty easy going. For instance, people wouldn't really judge you based on what you were wearing or the things you say. People are very friendly at this school. Everyone just about talks to everyone. It's a very welcoming school.
Primarily white, very many international students. Students wear comfortable clothing since the weather tends to vary a lot