University of San Francisco Top Questions

Describe the students at University of San Francisco.


We have over 100 clubs and organizations that students could participate in and get involved with. Stepping out of your comfort zone and joining clubs is actually good for anyone at any university or college, simply because you get to enjoy so many extra activities, people of different or similar backgrounds, and even establish more friendships or connections. Because we have such a diverse student body, we have a variety of clubs and organizations that are ethnically focused, religiously focused, gender and sexuality focused, and so much more.


USF has cultivated an interesting student body. We have a large number of international students that offer us exciting incite to a culture different from our American life. And even among the US students, you find a captivating group of young adults from different cultures, religions, and socio-economic backgrounds.You find first and second generation college students befriending the university legacy, scholarship students discussing Latin American art with people who constantly travel to Europe and South America. I found myself participating in an Eid celebration after befriending a Pakistani girl on my dorm floor. Our school is so tiny that we can meet interesting people from different walks inside and outside of class.


Students at USF generally "liberal". Conservatives are the only single type of person I could imagine would feel out of place. Many students come from families with some sot of money, but are still on financial aid; school is expensive. However, there is an overwhelming amount of students that come from "rich" families. These students, at times, can make everyone else feel a little out of place. This is envinced by the clothes students wear to class. You have most kids wearing jeans and vans; but there are always the a few wearing heels and a designer dress. Most students hail from California, with Hawaii coming in second place. Then after that you have Oregon and Washington tied for third. And lastly, there are a handful of students from the East Coast. Students like to think they are politically active and informed, but how accurate they are, is debatable.


The students at this school are, generally, very diverse. However, there is a large percentage of filipinos at the school. In regards to LGBT, this is San Francsico, so there is a higher amount of LGBT than one might find at another school. Not many students would feel out of place here because there are so many ethnic clubs that one can join if they put in the effort. Unfortunately there are students who don't make as large an effort and as a result are not getting the most out of their college life in my opinion. Most students are from either northern or southern California. There is a fair amount from out of state and a lot of international students for Asia and Europe. The students at this school are, as a whole, generic, one personality, race, religion, or sexuality does not over shadow the other. The student body is nothing outrageously special but the student's individually all have something to offer in some way, shape or form


Perhaps it is the influence of San Francisco, but the students here are wonderful. I was a bit worried coming into college, but my worries were proved wrong. Within a few weeks, I made an amazing group of friends who are all open minded, intellectual, and friendly. We are all very different: one of my friends is gay while his best friend and roommate is a jock. There is such diversity at USF that is is almost impossible to feel like you don't fit in. In addition, there are many clubs on campus that welcome different people...from the Korean club, to the LGBT club, to the Outdoors club. Also, many students are actively aware of current events and politics, which is very interesting.


Honestly, USF just has a pretty diverse student population. We have numerous cultural clubs from the Filipino Club to two Hawaii clubs to the International Student Association. Even though we're a Jesuit University, not everyone is religiously or spiritual. Also being that we are in San Francisco, we have a pretty well-known and supportive LGBT community. We've got the very rich students who drive around with their Porches and then we've also got those who are not so rich like myself but we make do with what we have--- school, work, & side activities. You can find just about anyone here on campus.


Sheltered private school kids afraid to experience anything new, stuck in high school, yet still very liberal.


The students at USF are a mix of different people. The great thing is that most people want to get to know all different types of people and are very excepting. I have met a lot of different people that I know I probably would not have met back home. Everyone is friendly, helpful and approachable


We have many different types of people here that make it a diverse campus although it is a small one!


This is a pretty tough question. We have people from all different places and lifestyles so there really isn't one set description. Kids get involved in just about everything, which is why we have so many clubs on campus. I'd say most people are pretty liberal politically. A lot of kids are from California but really, we have people from everywhere. I've just noticed that most people I ask come from somewhere in this state. It is a Jesuit school so we do have a strong Campus Ministry program. Yet, as a student who is not exactly religious, I still feel extremely comfortable on campus. There is no pressure and people do not push their views on you. I think it would be pretty hard for someone to feel out of place at this school. There is always somewhere on campus to find your niche, whether it be in a club, a job, or a class.