University of Scranton Top Questions

Describe the students at University of Scranton.


There is a variety of people here. Some people haven't gotten out of the highschool phase of clicks, but many have. People are really nice and open. You can strike a conversation with almost anyone. It's a really nice experience to have a community of people that feel so friendly and open!


When I first visited campus everyone seemed overly friendly. Somehow I imagined that to be the case when I moved in. However, it's kind of like high school with the relationship among students. Many people fall into their own little groups. Of course I'm always meeting new people, and I optimistically look forward to the next four years of always meeting new people.


always ready to learn


Most students that attend the University of Scranton are from PA, NJ, NY but there are many that are not. Students are VERY involved in extracurricular activities whether it is a sport, club, or community service. Life on campus is relaxed and most people dress relaxed to class unless they are giving formal presentations. There are always people in the cafeteria because the food is outstanding. It is a friendly student body in general.


The majority of students here are white, class Americans from the North East region of the US who have been raised Catholic. All students here are polite and accepting of stuents who are not like themselves. There are groups of other races around campus who are well liked by all the rest. There is no"polularity" at Scranton, everyone is friendly and if a lot of people know and like you then congradulations you're just like everyone else! Students here are either on scholarship and extremely motivated to make money one day for themselves and their familie or here on daddy's pocket change and don't really feel an obligation to work hard. However the majority is here for the right reasons; to get educated.


My classmates thus far have been easy to get along with, fun to work with in and out of class, and helpful in times of need.


My classmates are very creative and eager to learn.


CLassmates are focused on grades, friends, and their futures.


My class mates are usually quiet. They are mostly the same in overall perspective.


My classmates vary between those who are serious-minded going into pre-medical fields and those of various dedication who are pursuing four-year degrees with plans to immidiately enter the work force.