At the University of Scranton, we have a lot of great activities that students can become involved in. As a commuter student at the University of Scranton, I value my experiences in the clubs I am involved in because I was able to make a lot of great friends by getting invovled. Also, clubs and activities on campus allow students to pursue their interests outside of the classroom. As a student, I have participated in activities that I love. Since freshmen year, I have been involved in Colleges Against Cancer adn Relay for Life on campus. Prior to college, I participated in my local Relay for Life, and I was eager to get involved in college. Cancer has affected my family, and volunteering for the Amercian Cancer Society has been a great support for me and my family. Through Colleges Against Cancer, we hold different events and fundraising throughout the year to raise awareness about cancer. For instance, during the month of October, we have our annual Pink Week, when we hold various events to fundraise and raise awareness about breast cancer, like the Pink Rugby game. Every year, we have a Relay for Life on campus, and, for he past three years, I have served on the Relay for Life committee, and we have raised a lot of money for the American Cancer Society. Being involved in Colleges Against Cancer and Relay for Life are passions of mine, and I love participating in these activities.
For the past four years, I have worked in the Office of Admissions on campus. Since my freshmen year, I have been a tour guide with the Royal Ambassador program. I love giving tours of our campus and sharing my Scranton story with prospective students. At the end of my sophomore year, I was selected to be a Co-Director of the Royal Ambassadors. I have truly enjoyed this position, and we help organize many different activities on campus, like campus tours, Open Houses, the Royal Nights Program, Freshmen Preview Day, Inauguration, and Commemcement activities. I have the opportunity of working with other undergraduate students, which I really enjoy. Overall, I love to be able to provide others with information about my school and what I love about Scranton with students.
Some of my favorite activities have been through the University Ministries and Community Outreach office. Through both of these offices, I have engaged in volunteer opportunities and gone on a retreat. Since volunteer work is an important part of the Jesuit ideals, students do a lot of volunteer work at Scranton. Through the Community Outreach office, I have engaged in a variety of volunteer opportunities in the city of Scranton, on campus and in different areas of the country. For the past two years, I have volunteered at the Gino Merli Veteran Center downtown, and this is a health care center for veterans and their spouses. I love interacting with the residents, and I help with the different activities the residents, like bingo and bowling activities. I also volunteer at the Jane Kopas Women's Center on campus, which provides different volunteer opportunities to promote women's empowerment and raise awareness about gender-based violence. For the past two years, I went on two spring break service trips. My first was to a west Philadelphia neighborhood in PA, and the second was to the Appalachian Region to Hurley, VA. Both of these trips were life-changing experiences for me, and I learned many things about the people I met and myself as a person. This upcoming spring break in March, I will be going on my third service trip to Washington, D.C. to volunteer at a homeless shelter for men in the D.C. area. A few weeks ago, I went on a retreat called the "Three Day Silent Retreat." I, along with other students, went to the Universty's retreat house on Chapman Lake and engaged in reflective prayer, relaxed for awhile and remained silent for the weekend. It was nice to get away from school and focus on faith. These activities has allowed me to discover the true meaning of being "men and women for others." I always valued volunteer work, and I was truly happy to continue at Scranton. They have provided me with meaningful experiences that I will never forget.
Overall, we have a lot of great activities on our campus for students to get involved and participate. The University of Scranton Programming Borad, a student organization on campus, sponsors many great activities on campus. They provide Late Night programs so that stduents can have fun with their friends and take a break from studying. We have different music groups and comedians that come to campus, and, periodically, movies are screened for students. My favorite movies they screened were the Harry Potter movies, and they had some great door prizes! Every year, they hold a Spring Concert. This past May, B.o.B performed on campus. I really enjoyed the concert, and I had a great time with my friends. All of these events and activities we have on campus promote our sense of community at Scranton and allow students to enjoy their college experiences to the fullest.
There are plenty of students who go out and party on thurs, friday and saturday at off campus houses, and there are plenty of students who don't drink and get involved in other activities. There is no greek life and no football team, and everyone views that as a good thing. Anyone can go to any party, and the other sports teams are given more emphasis. No cliques, think one big social network.
Skiing is 10 mintute drive away! Great Mt Bike trails that can be ridden to from campus! A large amount of restaurants and bars that are walking distance from campus.
We do not have frats or sororities on campus, but that does not stop us from having a great time on the weekends. If we party, we are partying at houses or in the few bars up the street. You can drink in Scranton for basically nothing any day of the week. On the other side of the spectrum, if you do not want to drink, you do not have to. The school always has bands, comedians, and movies scheduled for the weekend,and there is usually stuff going on in the city as well. Dorm life is fun and normally you get to know people really well who live in the same building or in the surrounding buildings. The dating scene is basically non-existent...we have people who are going out...Lord knows how they met. Women's basketball games are our most popular sporting events. Intramurals are a big deal as well. Not only do a ton of people participate, but many people also spectate, and they tend to get quite competitive. Every year we have things such as "The Great Commons Ball Roll" which supports the International Service Projects. Basically people buy tennis balls which are numbered and on a certain day, thousands of tennis balls are rolled down the middle of campus...the numbers that come in first win cool prizes like an iPod, digital camera, or dinner with the president. Silly things like that make me love the University of Scranton