I'm in love with this university! I've wanted to attend the University of Scranton since my sophomore year of high school, and now that I'm here I couldn't be happier with my choice. The campus is beautiful, the class sizes are small, there is always something to do, and the food is delicious!
As a senior at Scranton, I have been able to refelct on my past four yeasr as an undergraduate student in a very positive light. I have come to the conclusion that choosing the University of Scranton was one of the best decsions I have ever made. It has led me to discover the true person I want to be and what I would like to pursue as a career. My interactions with faculty and staff has allowed me to challenge myself and help me decide the person I want to be. Many of the people I have encountered, including faculty, staff and friends, have influenced me in one way or another. There is a true community on campus that I have felt since I was a senior in high school trying to decide to where I wanted to go to college. Scranton always felt right to me, and this has led me to conclude that it was the place I wanted to spend the next four years of my life.
Overall, my favorite expereinces at Scranton have been the time I have spent with my friends and the volunteer services that I have participated in. In the past three years, I have engaged in a lot of service work, and these experiences have been life changing. I volunteer on campus at the Jane Kopas Women's Center and the Gino Merli Veteran Center in downtown Scranton. I thoroughly enjoy these activities because I am able to pursue my interests and interact with different populations. Yet, overall, I think my overall favorite expereinces here at Scranton have come through the Spring Break service trips that I have gone on in the last two years. My sophomore year, I went on a trip to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, where I spent a week doing service in a west Philadelphia neightborhood through the Sisters of Saint Joseph. During the week, we worked with the homeless in the area, along with undocumeted citizens that populate that particular area of Philadelphia. My junior year, I was privileged to go on a trip to Hurley, Virginia to work at the Hurley Community Development Center for a week. In Hurley, I, along with a group of students, worked on various housing projects throughout the area during the week. These were both life-changing experiences for me. The memories of tese trips and the friends that I made on them will last my whole lifetime.
The University of Scranton is by far my favorite place in the whole world. It is the perfect size with the perfect class sizes so that all who are in the room know your name. It is such a friendly community. There is so much to do in the city and be a part of on the campus... I am never bored!
Scranton is truly like its own little town, the beautiful buildings, skyline and grounds make it feel like a utopia also known as, Scrantonia. You might not think that this is possible with only 5,000 students but Scranton is the perfect size, I know enough people to feel at home and don’t know too many people to feel like everyone is in my business. I am now a junior and I rarely need to leave campus. The food is fantastic, the gym is top notch and the college buildings encompass the best technologies and most educated professors. Scranton is a school on the rise. Constant construction is being done to make the school even more stellar. The interesting thing is that the campus is not messy at all! It's almost like a squad of elves is working to clean up every second. The cleaning staff is SO FRIENDLY and they are truly happy with their jobs and enjoy providing us with a clean living environment. When you come to visit Scranton I ASSURE you that you will feel welcomed and any staff member or student that you choose to converse with will be happy to talk to you.
Scranton is a work hard play hard school for sure. I’ll be honest the classes are NOT easy, but that’s what you’re paying for! If you want to get a noteworthy education you have to work for it and at Scranton you will. However cutting loose on the weekends is not uncommon students here excel in their academics during the week and take a break on Friday and Saturday nights then hit the library on Sunday.
The first thing that people say when I tell them I go to the University of Scranton is, “Scranton? Isn’t that where the Office is?”
Unfortunately, I’ve never gotten into the show. But from what I do know, the characters have very different personalities that sometimes clash, but in the end makes for a great collaborative team. Here at Scranton, not one person has the same personality. We may not always get along, but in the end we’ll always hold the door open for one another, or pick each other up after slipping down the Commons on a rainy day. Throughout my four years of attending the university, I have built relationships that could last me a lifetime. I have found my best friends who I can count on through volunteer opportunities, retreats and any event that helps us grow as a community.
Not only are the students amazing, but the faculty and staff are as well. I can’t find a single person on campus that is not completely in love with the women that greet you before you swipe onto 3rd floor DeNaples cafeteria. In every single one of my jobs on campus, all of my supervisors are more than supportive. They focus on how my strengths can positively influence their office. They also push me in areas where I need more improvement.
This school is very small, which has its pros and cons. I see students that I have never met before almost three times a day. I feel like we’re friends, but I don’t even know their name. However, the small class sizes are beneficial to each student. Each student has extra attention from their teachers in class, which helps me learn more efficiently.
I know this sounds cliché, but I spend most of my time in the library. As a resident assistant (RA) for freshman girls, my dorm room may not be the most conducive place to get studying done. Depending on the severity of studying needed, I like to stay on the 2nd floor tables. It’s not too quiet, and I don’t feel as secluded as I would in a cubicle on the 5th floor, also known as the quiet floor. Plus, I can always take frequent breaks from studying to say hi to someone walking by.
This campus has a lot of school pride. Not a day goes by when I don’t see someone in the cafeteria or even on the commons wearing some sort of Scranton gear. The sports teams, clubs and organizations love to show off their clothing. I even see students wearing clothing representing their dorm, showing how proud they are to live in the residence halls.
However, not everything is rainbows and butterflies in Scranton. As a matter of fact, I don’t think I’ve ever seen a rainbow here. The weather is bipolar. One day, students can be throwing a Frisbee around on the green, while the sun is shining and everyone’s sitting outside on the DeNaples patio. Then the next day it could torrential downpour to the point where rain boots, an umbrella and a raincoat just aren’t cutting it. What’s next? Snow on Halloween?
I absolutely love The University of Scranton! I visited about 20 different colleges. Scranton was my last visit and I'm so glad that I kept looking. This was the biggest school I looked at but I have found it to be the perfect size because it's not so small that it feels like high school but it's not so big that it's overwhelming. As an Undecided student, I loved that we have 61 majors to choose from and I also had so much help from our Career Services office. My professors are always there to help me with whatever I need and the small class sizes make it easy to get to know all of the other students. Getting involved on campus has also opened me up to so many new opportunities. In high school, I never would have imagined that I could develop so many different interests and The University of Scranton has helped me to grow in so many ways!
I think the best thing about Scranton is the introduction to the University. What I mean by that is, when I was a nervous freshman, I had ample opportunity to really ground myself here and develop relationships with my fellow classmates, who would eventually become good friends of mine. It's hard to really pinpoint, but I really think back fondly on that volatile time in my first few months here when I was still coming to my own opinion about Scranton, and I think about how easily I was able to adjust and make friends. The way those first few months are set up in terms of club activities, intramurals, course schedule, residence life and various events for freshman, it just makes the transition from high school to college very natural. If I could change one thing, I would want us to have a football team and I'd want it to be strongly supported. I think having a football game every other Saturday or so in fall would better this school. Our school size was perfect for me. At around 4,000 undergraduates, Scranton's size is big enough to allow for the possibility to meet new people everyday, but small enough that you'll get very familiar with the faces of many of the people in your class. When I tell people that I go to Scranton I get a few reactions. The most common is, "Oh, so you must love The Office!" (I do, in fact, love The Office). I have also been asked a lot about the reputation of the science program (which is traditionally strong). Some people have not heard of Scranton at all, but it's reputation is growing very steadily on the east coast. I wouldn't define Scranton as a "college town". We are a college in the center of a town. The campus is centralized and not spread throughout the city, so when you're on campus, the feel is quite different from when you're in the city. In terms of "School pride," I would say that students, for the most part, are very dedicated to the Scranton way. We don't, however, have a lot of support for athletics teams. Our school pride does not translate to the athletics fields, but I would say that there is a lot of love for this place in the student population.
The University of Scranton is an excellent Jesuit school where the focus is on the students. The average class sizes are around 18-25 students, the professors are there to teach and love their jobs. Beautiful, well kept, very safe, campus in northeast PA.
I love everything about Scranton...the size, the campus, the people, the faculty, the food...yup everything. The size is just right for me. As a senior, I am still able to walk down campus and see new faces, and I still meet new people in classes and on the weekends. With that being said, I also walk down the campus and have the ability to acknowledge a ton of people that I know. I don't feel overwhelmed...I feel right at home in my own little school community. The teachers are approachable and they listen to your opinions. In the early fall and late spring they are open to moving class outside...even if it means a little more distractions. There are a ton of places to eat directly on campus or right off of campus. I love the Aroma Cafe, which is right across the street from the student center. At Aroma, they really treat you like family and make an effort to get to know you. I love the workers and the food. I love winter in Scranton with its crazy snowstorms...there is nothing like campus in the snow.