University of Scranton Top Questions

What's the most frustrating thing about University of Scranton?


There are not enough university-sponsored events for students that are not interested in drinking a lot on the weekends.




I can't think of anything.


The most frustrating thing about Scranton that I have experienced thus far is the lottery to sign up for classes. People end up not getting the classes that are required to take just because they have a bad time.


During my first semester of freshman year, I found it difficult to become used to the heavy workload. I took a few Advanced Placement courses in high school as well as an internship during my senior year, but I still had a hard time because I was away from home and had so many distractions. After Fall semester, however, I became accustomed to the courses and college life, learning to enjoy the time I had. Afterall, the common saying is that the time you spend in college is supposed to be the best years of your life.


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