University of South Carolina-Aiken Top Questions

What should every freshman at University of South Carolina-Aiken know before they start?


I am planning to transfer to a larger school next year, so this year has allowed me to raise my GPA and to get accustom to college life. USC Aiken isn't far from my family and it allows me to come home on weekends.


I started my current program 12 years ago. I always knew obtaining a college education could benefit me and the people around me. Although I acertained skills while working on the job, I always knew I wanted to go back to get my degree. I knew how to do things but I wanted to know what did it mean, why, and what do I do if something went wrong. I could only obtain that kind of information in a school setting. I also obtained hands-on skills that was not available in most on-the-job situations . I have met people that I will probably cross paths with in the future and could be mutually beneficial. My college professors were very instrumental in me doing well in school. I took full advantage of their help and the advice they offered to me, which as a younger student I did not. I have gained knowledge and experience that will take me through my career and the rest of my life.


As a current college student I have received the gift of a higher learning and a better state of understanding. Throughout my high school years I was taught to learn and retain the material; however, in college I have been taught not only learn the material, but to apply and use the knowledge I have learned in the classroom to enhance my life. Also, throughout my current college experience, I have learned how to think critically. Thinking critically is something I was never challenged to do before college. I believe these things are very important because when I start my career and my boss asks me a question, I cannot tell him or her to wait until I finish flipping through my textbook to find the answer, I will have to respond on the spot and learning to think critically will allow me to do so. The education I am receiving in college will enhance the quality of my life and that value is beyond measure, even though I have not received a degree to start my career, I have learned a new way to think and a better opportunity to live.


Attending classes at the local junior college has been enlightening. I realize that you don't have to be fresh out of high school to continue your education. I've joined the newspaper and really contributed to campus. As a ROS, I get to see how the younger generation goes about treating the world. I also now know that respect is essential to a successful life.


During my first year at USCA, I have made many new friends that I will hopefully always have. Most of the professors I had were great and taught at a good pace and explained things very well. USCA's campus is small, but makes you feel at home. with all the trees, to provide shade and flowers in the springtime. I have found it valuable to attend USCA because it was close to home but I still get the feeling of "the college life" as people say.


My college has opened my mind and heart to several new and exciting opportunities I would have never encountered had I not attended USCA. First off, I joined the Equestrian Club my freshman year then was elected Club President. In one year I took the club to Club-Sport level, the first and only club-sport at Aiken. We then were able to join the IHSA and gain Team status. This opportunity allowed for me to join and head several other organizations on-campus, such as Enrollment Planning Committee, Out of State Recruitment, Orientation Committee-Freshman Student Orientation Leader, Student Nurses Association, etc. I recently was elected as a member of the Student Alumni Association, which has allowed me several opportunities to work with alumni in my industry and network for student employment opportunities, as well as future job endeavors. Through these opportunities and club involvement, they opened my eyes to volunteering, where I currently serve as a volunteer at a local hospital, healthcare clinic, and equine rescue program. USCA has offered me more opportunities that I could have ever asked for. I love USC Aiken!!


I have learned so much in college already and not just academically. Having classes with such a diverse group of people and interacting with them has made me so much more accepting of people who are different from me. I have changed alot since I started college, but for the better. The teachers and fellow students have taught me to be myself without fear of judgement and accept others without judgement. I have found that I can express myself artistically and I've discovered so much more about myself that I didn't know before. My college experience is extremely valuable to me to help guide me to that place I belong in the world. To help me discover myself, my interests, and to help me acheive my goals. I am continuing college to better prepare me for life in the workplace, and to continue interacting with others outside of my normal social group. I look forward to meeting and getting to know more people while continuing to discover more about myself as I strive to achieve my goals and set an excellent example for all those I come across in life.


Coming into my freshman year of college, I honestly didn't know what to expect and was surprsised find some trhings out. I have learned the true meaning of independence and budgeting within reasoning. I believe the hardest part of attending college for the first time is the physical, mental, and emotional adjustment that has to take place. Adjusting was a very hard thing for me due to the complex curriculm that was given to me. I had to learn effective time management and how to take the iniative in getting what I need, whether it be tutoring or any extra help. Overall, my college experience has been a great learning phase as I began to find out more and more interesting facts about myself. College honestly gives you the growing and maturing push that is needed in everyone's life at some point in time.


While attending the University of South Carolina-Aiken, I have realized the tremendous importance of education in a person's life and how valuable it is to be open to many new and possibly intimidating experiences. I will admit that in high school, I did not reach my full potential. My college experience, however, has changed the way I think about education. Now, I actually WANT to learn more and do as well as I possibly can. College has opened my eyes to many issues in the world and pushed me to be more inquisitive about these issues. This past semester, I took a Spanish course, and it made me realize that I want to learn more about other languages and cultures. I also took an English course that emphasized on being able to switch "lenses" and look at things through different views. These are just a few of the things I've gotten from this university. As if this is not enough, I also have met many different, diverse people and made new friendships with people who have added to my learning experience. Overall, I love the University of South Carolina-Aiken and never want to leave!


My college experience has allowed me to have the career I have now as a dental hygienist. However, it is even more valuable for me to continue on in my education so I can advance in my career. My ultimate goal is dental hygiene education, and that is why I am pursuing a Master's Degree. I believe lifelong learning is important for everyone and I want to be able to prove that to my future students. Attending college not only prepared me for the job market, it also taught me discipline and responsibility. I'm not just getting an education, I'm learning life's lessons along the way which is extremely valuable.