Although you may think college is going to be easy think again because you're going to have to make tough decisions of whether to stay in and study while your friends are going out to have fun or not worry about it and go anyway. Although it may not seem difficult it can make all the difference between getting that A or ending up with a C. Don't be embarrassed to ask for help when you need it because there will always be someone there to help you out. Be open to new experiences and don't be afraid to put yourself out there because you never know what new oppurtunites will come out of it. Stay active and never let anyone tell you you're not smart enough to achieve you're dream because you can and those kind of comment should only make you work harder for what you want out of life. Even when finacial obligation seem to deter you, remember there is always some way to pull yourself back up and to get back on track.
First off, I would advise myself to manage time carefully. Once you get into college, you realize that there are many different opportunities out there, and you want to try them all out. Time management is a really big thing for college students. You should set aside time for studying and school work as well as time to relax and hang out with friends. You don't want to isolate yourself from fun because there are plenty things to do, depending on what you like. You may want to buy yourself a planner or calendar so that you can write down everything that you MUST do each day. Procrastination will not get by in college. You may have gotten by with it in high school but college is different. When a professor wants a certain assignment at a certain time, you better have it to them at that certain time or you will simply fail the assignment. Studying at the last minute is not good either. You may think that cramming at the last minute will help you learn more, but this is not true. I earned my lesson. I no longer procrastinate and I have better time management skills.
College life is definately going to be different from high school. It is best to study at least thirty to fourty-five minutes for each subject every night, as the work tends to pile up fairly quickly. Procrastination is definately not the key to getting your assignments done in college as you will find it frustrating to get the work done effectively and on time. When you first arrive, have an open mind, because college is not high school where everyone knows you and you all get along great. There will be a diverse group of people there in which you would have to get to know, and be around daily. Hard work, determiniation, some late night studying, and snacks are just the key to getting you through your college years!
Put in the effort to find the scholarships and financial aid you need to go to the school that you really want to attend. It is worth it.
Follow your heart, it will lead you in the right path. Also, study, study, and did I mention always study.
College is a big transition coming from high school. Continue to study and stay active in school. Meet new people and become acquainted with your professors because they are there to help you succeed. Never give up. Always ask for help if you need it. Do not be to proud to ask for help when needed. Stay focus and do not get too involve with activities that will interfer with you managing your class work.
If I could go back in time, I would tell myself to take the SAT and ACT twice because I only took it once. I ended up not doing so well, so I only got accepted into the University of South Carolina. I would tell myself to stay on top of English papers so I don't spend five to ten hours trying to complete a paper that is due in two days.
I would tell the parents to let the kids decide where they want to go and not pressure them into either staying home or going away. It's the student's decision, not theirs. I would tell the students to mix play with work because if you study way too much, you get overloaded and stressed and college is not fun for you. But, DO NOT play too much, or else you wont have to worry about college anymore because you wont be there. Find the right balance for you!
It is very important to take into account the type of surroundings you are use to, for example if you are from a big city it may be difficult to live in a small town where nothing is in walking distance. But I strongely reccomend taking a tour of each college or university that you are interested in you never know if your number one pick is for you unless you try it out.
As a young child, I always dreamed of helping others and working in a wonderful job field! College is the right step of helping to prepare a wonderful and exciting career of your dreams! When preparing on finding a wonderful college, a student must search for a college that has emergency services, have clean and safe dormatories, and most importantly, wonderful academic programs, especially the right one for you! If there are high school classmates that are also going to the same college as you, make sure that you don't stay in the same dorm room together because there could be serious drama that can happen and can cause wonderful friendships to end (trust me, I did this and my high school friends move off campus and went to other schools at the end of my Freshmen year). Make sure that you enjoy your college years! Those years go by so fast! Enjoy truthful and honest friends/classmates that you would remember forever! Most importantly, have good study habits! You have to learn to balance fun time and study time. Hanging out and partying is not going to help you get a degree! My college years were wonderful!