University of South Florida-Main Campus Top Questions

Describe the students at University of South Florida-Main Campus.


In every class that I have attended at USF there has always been at least one students who I click with. A lot of my professors enforce group work , so it makes it easier to get to know people. Usually people are outgoing and easy to strike up a conversation with, regardless of the differences tht they may have.


So far, many of my classmates have become instant best friends.


My classmates at USF include people of a wide range of ages, family situations, and interests, bringing a variety of perspectives into most courses I enroll in at the university.


I have not met my classmates yet. I have orientation later on this evening. But hopefully there all nice, and have there minds set on what they would like to accomplish while in college. We all can benefit learning from each other. I know we all cann succeed in life if we put our hearts, and minds to it.


My classmates are very polite and knowledgeable; everyone likes to help each other out and learn the curriculum.


My classmates are hard working when it is needed and they take class very seriously.


My classmates at USF are very lively and always looking for more ways to get involved along with being very focused on their long term goals.


Students seem too busy to do the required school work, accepting of mediocre grades, and uninspired to achieve a career goal.


My classmates are enthusiastic, always looking forward to the next challenge and adventure that college will take them on.


They are there for a reason, it's not like a high school class and that's one thing that I admire about the transition from high school to college ; they are engaging, either because they want to learn so they ask a question or they share their own intellect on the subject.