University of South Florida-Main Campus Top Questions

Is the stereotype of students at University of South Florida-Main Campus accurate?


No. I have yet to find a stereotype that is true about USF




At least within the Arts and Sciences College at USF I would say the previously cited stereotypes appear to be true. At the college I attended prior to coming to USF I felt loaded with 16 hours of classes, I have taken 23 hours of classes at USF for the past two semesters and it is a breeze compared to the previous college I attended. USF needs to make its academic programs a bit more rigorous or accept the stereotype.


Although the classes are big I have not come across a teacher who didn't help me on a individual basis if I needed it.


No the sterotypes are not accurate


Hell yah, u stay forever! But no, we're not wannabes. We are genuine Bulls, and a lot of students who come here want to be here; I know I did.

