Make sure you know what you want first and check out the schools. Some people think they want to go to a big university, then find the campus intimidating. Search everything about it so you know what you are getting into, it is a huge decision that can effect your whole life. Most of all, have fun and don't get to stressed out over the little stuff.
The advise I would have to give upon picking the right school for a child would be three main points; education, safety, and interactivity. The most important aspect of higher education is undoubtedly the education. Every parent wants their child to succeed and walk away with a bigger mind and a brighter view of the world. The safety of the campus would have to come in as a second because there is no way a child could learn anything new and succeed if he is plagued with the fear of something happening to him on campus. And probably the most vital aspect of choosing a school would be the interactivity on campus. Lets face it there is no way to succeed in life unless you can interact with other people in the world, and if a campus prepares you for it during the educational process then a student would be better off in the long run.
Have an open mind about what you want to do and where you want to go with your life. Never count yourself out of any situation and don't ever think you can't do something for any reason. Where there's a will there's a way: you just gotta make it happen
When choosing the right college you have to make sure that the university best fits you. Don't go to a school because thats where all your friends are going. Check out the different opportunities that the school can give you. You will be at that university for four or more years so choose wisely. Also, I would tell the student that getting involve in organizations should be a must thing to do after studying. In any organization you gain new friendships and also learned about different things that the university has to offer. I know personally I wouldn't know of great opportunities that my school offer if it wasn't for being involved. The student most learn how to prioritize their social and school life. They should not let one take over the other. If they fail it is ok because its not about failing it's about learning the lesson that comes from it. College is an experience that allows you meet to meet all types of people so one must take advantage.
I would tell fellow students there are many decideing factors to consider when choosing the right college for you. You want to choose a college that has teh best academic program you are interested. You do not want to settle for mediocre programs. Also you want to consider the current student population and how many students are enrolled at the college. Finally you want to consider all the recreational activities that school provides.
When it comes to finding the right college for your child it is imperitive to concider several important things. First and formost, does this school offer your child's intended major? Second for you parents, concider the cost of attendence. Examine the surrounding area. Does it seem like a place where your child will have a save and secure learning enviroment? Make sure your child is able to learn in the athmosphere offered by that school (ie class size). Finally, concider the fun and friendship your child can have while attending this establishment. Utimately the decision should be up to the student because many times if its not where he or she feels comfortible at their learning will be hindered.
I advise students to pick a school where they will be challenged. A challenging environment will ensure success after graduation.
First, please start preparing for college early! Begin to look at various colleges through your freshman and sophomore year so you'll have an idea of where you want to apply. Be sure to check out application requirements, available scholarships, and what the schools have to offer. Choose the school that appeals to you and your interests. Don't base your decision off of where all of your friends are going, or where your parents want you to go. Go for the school that YOU think is best. The only way to make the most out of your college experience is to focus on your studies, but have fun along the way! Let yourself explore and give yourself room to grow into the person you were meant to become.
Pick a school that is diverse not only in its population but also in the majors it offers. You amy go into the school expecting to major in one thing, but it is completely normal to change your major frequently. Try everything once! Take classes that you know you can handle and register for more classes than necessary so that if on the first day you feel that one is too hard, you can drop without the pressure of filling the hole for credits. And most importantly.... GET INVOLVED!!! Enjoy college, because when it's over, it's over and you have to join the world as an educated individual that is expected to work for everything they get. The friends you make in college become life long friends so don't get involved with the wrong crowd, but do get involved with a variety of different people. And never forget that you control your future! Don't let anyone tell you who you are, what classes to take, or who to be friends with. Make your own choices... it's your life!
I would say to make sure that you are going to a school because of the programs it offers for the degree you are seeking. Don't pick a school bases on it's sports teams or it's party life, but rather how well the school is going to prepare you for a career after you graduate. Also research the school's location and student life both on and off campus in order to learn if there are many activities to get involved with in the community.