University of St Thomas-Saint Paul Top Questions

What should every freshman at University of St Thomas-Saint Paul know before they start?


Knowing what I know now about college life, if I were given the opportunity to go back and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself to become more involved and take more chances. I have been a shy person most of my life, so I would tell myself to put myself out there and don't be afraid. If I were to have known this before, it would have made my first year as a college student a lot easier.


Jason, College is jsut aroud the corner. You have heard so much from family and friends about what to expect and how different life will be. Well, I've been through it and I can tell you what you need to know. Keep your eyes open. You need to let go of your high school ideas, notions, and relationships. It's time to grow by learning new things and meeting new people. Make sure you study hard every week so as not to limit your option at the end of school. Go out and date new people. Date people that are different than your high school girlfriend and people who are different than your family. No matter what happens though, keep your mind open to new things and take in everything that St. Thomas has to offer. Seize oppurtunity as it comes your way. Try new foods, visit new places, get a job that you wouldn't take. Stay close with your family and learn to cook! But, the most important thing is, go have fun, your youth is almost over, enjoy the end of it.


1. study abroad 2. date more, and more relationship-based stuff 3. network often 4. joined a good club 5. engaged in at least one massive, clever, harmless prank 6. understand what social class is and how it affects every interaction on campus, especially with the chicks. 7. have no regrets, absorb everything from everyone


Going to the University of St. Thomas is a completely different world from high school and community college. It's an academically, socially, and healthy excelling atmosphere. Have more confidence in your decision because you're not making a mistake.


I would give myself the advice of taking more Advanced Placement classes so that I could have come into college with more credits and experience under my belt. It also makes things much cheaper! St. Thomas is getting more and more expensive and my family and I are becoming more and more unable to provide the money to pay for how much it is. I would also tell myself to keep my GPA as high as possible, because a lot of your scholarships depend on your high school GPA.


I would go back and tell myself to do an overnight stay at the school. Talk to people on campus not just your tour guide because their selling the school to you because it's their job. I would say even if you go far away you can still see your friends. I stayed close so I would be close to my friends, but I should make my decisions for myself. My family and friends had a big influence on where I went to school, and I let them persuade me. Now I have been unhappy with my decision. You go to college once and have the experience once. I got into all the schools I applied to, but I only looked deeply into two of them and I regret it. I would also tell myself to pay attention to on campus dining because our caf is horrible, and now I see why they don't give students on tour free lunches. Before deciding what school to go to I would also tell myself to talk to some advisors besides the financial advisors so


Don't be scared to go to a college where you won't know anyone. You will meet people, no problem. 75{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} of people going to college are in the same exact situation as you. The first few weeks might be a little nervewracking, but don't be afraid to introduce yourself to others because those same people will be your friends until your hair is gray!


I would tell myself to relax more and enjoy myself. I was so stressed about the whole process and worried that I would not do well in school. I was worried my classes would be too hard and that I would not make friends. Freshman year I mainly worried about my studies and did not try to have a social life. It was hard balancing work, my studies, and trying to make new friends. I would say make more time for friends. There is always time to study and that extra hour that could have been spent making new friends at dinner rather than studying, won't really make much of a difference with my test score. I would tell myself to get more involved as a freshman, because being involved on campus makes you feel more connected and happy with your school. The main thing I would tell myself is to just go with the flow, work hard, and have faith that everything will be alright. Because in the end, my freshman year was one of the best years of my life... and I worried for nothing.


If I could go back to being a high school senior, I would make sure that I prepared myself for college in general. I would advice myself to stay on top of my homework when I got to college because once you are behind, it is very difficult and time consuming to play catch up. I would also advice myself to get the best out of my last year in high school by engaging in activities that could potentially help me in college, such as taking leadership roles. In general, I would advice myself to enjoy my last year in high school because once those days are gone, they are gone forever and college is a whole different world.


College is really not as stressful and you think. Join a club that interests you right away, and just get involved.