To parents and students looking for the right college I would say, make sure you go some place that you know you are going to love. If you don't love the school you are at, you wont have a good time!
Make sure you make an overnight visit so you can understand what the campus is like if u were living there. Attend a class to see if the class size is right for you.
One of the biggest statistics I wish I would've looked at when choosing colleges was the retention rate. Good schools have good retention rates.
Take time to go on campus tours. Get a feel for the school before you go there. You will know right away if it is the school for you because you will feel at home. Once you get to college, get active! Friends will be your most valuable asset when you are at college. Pick friends that have to same intrests or acedemic goals as you do. Acedemically, keep your mind on the prize, stay focused, seek help if you need it, and you should love your college experience.
you might think far away is nice, but close to home is convienant
Make sure you explore every option. The only way to choose the right school is by visiting every school you think you might be interested. I believe that the first time you arrive on campus you will just get a feeling like "yes, I belong here." Don't be afraid to take a chance on a school either. If the school is far from home or if you think it might cost too much, don't worry about it because there are always ways to make it work, and if you truly want to attend that school you will discover those ways.
In my opinion, college serves as two major purposes. The obvious purpose is the education. It is important to make sure the college of your choice offers the majors/minors you are interested, as well as knowing you are capable of reciveing all your credits in the time you want to graduate. The second purpose is the atmosphere of the college socially. College is the time in your life where you define yourself; figuring out who you are and who you aren't. It would be in a new students best interest to make sure the college in which they are interested in offers many activites you can become involved in, and a feel comfortable and welcome.
Advice I would give in order to learn weather the school is right for you is ask a student themselves, whether it be a student you know personally, or randomly find on facebook. Ask them any question you may have (academically, socially, athletics etc.) You would be surprised how honest the students are. Because lets face it, every school tries to make their school look like it would suit you best. It's important to look beyond and discover it for yourself.
If it is possible, tour every college you are thinking about applying to. It is so important to go and get a feel for the college. Picture yourself walking through the halls and around the campus. If the atmosphere feels comfortable and you think you could see yourself here it is probably a good choice.
When you are in college, time-management and staying focused is very important. Keep a detailed planner and stay on top of your work. Make the coming years count because they go very fast.
I wouldtell them to make sure that they go over all the options. For example, a private university verses a public university, a community college verses a college, a college verses a university. Also I would tell them to make sure that they visit all these different types of schools, to see the classes and the majors the school has to offer as well as the type of housing, jobs, classroom sizes, and to inquire about the school's reputation as far as the teachers, administration, academic advisors, etc. I would also strongly suggest that they talk to students at each of the schools they visit to get an idea of how lifr really is there. They will want to be ina place where they feel comfortable, a place to call home.