University of Toledo Top Questions

What is your overall opinion of University of Toledo?

Is University of Toledo a good school?

What is University of Toledo known for?


The school is pretty good at academics, has some tough courses, which are easier in other schools not as happening, but very diversified and helpful towards International students.


My overall opinion of The University of Toledo is great, I love it here I am so happy that i chose to come here. I receive all the help that i need when i need it, i love the environment its an amazing place.


Making a decision to come to this school was one of the best decisions I've ever made. They've helped me a lot


I love the University of Toledo! There's a lot of pride in being a Rocket among the student body. I think that the school size is just right for me--it's a big school, but none of my classes are too big, and the number of people who go there isn't intimidating. Most of the dining hall food is less than spectacular, but there are a few places on campus where I love to eat.


I am very happy with my choice for picking the university of Toledo. I have been to the orientation and it was organized and got all the information I need to start my journey. The staff was very helpful and are willing to help students in everything.


Overall, I have a good opinion of my school. I've had some really great professors who really care about my success. However, the administration at UT is really crappy - especially the upper administrations. They make ridiculous amounts of money and are generally bad at their jobs. UT has great school spirit and a lot of opportunities if one is willing to search for them. If I could change anything, I would change the upper administration. I believe that a series of bad decisions on their part has altered the quality of the institution and brought us to financial trouble. Toledo is not exactly a "college town." Efforts are being made to change this, but I'm not optimistic. Most of my time on campus is spent in class or at work. Random fact about UT: University Hall is one of the best examples of collegiate gothic architecture in the United States. The most frequent student complaint is that we are not given a choice and neither are the majority of the faculty.


Organizations are huge on our campus. Many of the students opt to be involved in the over 200 student run organizations we have. Most things on campus are completely student created and run. Most students take an active part in our campus.


UT is growing as a wonderful university. With the renovations to many of the outdated buildings has re-vamped the impage of UT as an old campus to the campus of the future. Although UT is lacking at the sporting world, but with the new football coach the football is heading into the right direction, which will hopefully attract new and exciting talent to the football field.


The best thing about UT is the freedom given on campus. There is a ton of things to do there, and as such, students are rarely bored.


One thing I would change is to make the surrounding area for college student friendly. We need a classier night life in the Toledo area in general, but especially surrounding the University. My opinion on UT's administration is slowly changing given the recent lay off's, but for the most part they have been extremely helpful to me, especially when I transferred from California.