University of Valley Forge Top Questions

What should every freshman at University of Valley Forge know before they start?


I have learned to discipline myself to study and get my work done on time, as well as time management with work, classes, school work and church activities. I have learned to branch out and love everyone because VFCC is like a great big family.


I would tell myself to buckle down. You need a lot of self-control to make it through college. It is very easy to get caught up in friends and campus events but you cannot sacrifice your grades. Your parents are paying big money to futher you in life and although friends are important, you are buying an education, not friends. First work, then play! Also, i would tell myself to not be shy. There are so many people on a college campus that you can't be afraid to meet new people. You are bound to like someone! All in all, don't sweat the small stuff, if He brings you to it, He'll bring you through it.


I am a 32 year old college freshman so I am living the experience of going back in time "knowing then what I know now". I would tell myself that strenuous exercise and intense study breed confidence, and that confidence would make me realize that I deserve more than an average life. I would advise myself to wait for the right girl, not the first girl, because I do deserve the best and not to be daunted by the length of time it takes to accomplish a goal. The time will pass anyway and the journey is so much fun!


One piece of advise I would tell high school students now is to save as much money as they can while they are in high school and apply for as many scholarships as your can. And try your best to limit the amount of money you borrow in loans. College gets really expensive and it really doesnt hit until your last year or so in college. If you have to work your way through college, then do it, I would recomend that. It will make you more thankful for your school.


I would tell myself, do get more involved. Learn organazation, save money. And focus on what really matters.


Procrastion is the key to failure. In order to obtain to succeed in college time management is an essential skill one must obtain. With every school hard work and dedication is nessary and what ever decision your make stand by it. Even if it mean having to struggling in order to succeed. Things in life do not come easy and failure is nessary in order to obtain success. Only by learning from one mistakes can you excel in the future. Dont be afraid to try new things, and even if college brings failure dont get upset. Use that failure in order to not make mistake in the future. College is a time of new oppturnities and experience. Make the most of it and try to excel in your career field. Good Luck!


Make many good friends. Get to know them well and stick by them! Those friends will become your greatest resource over the next four years!


As you progress through your senior year, strive to do everything to the best of your ability. School can be tough at times, but if you look at it as an adventure, it often become exciting. The key to success is to not just learn in the walls of the school, but in everything you do find a way to learn something new and interesting. You never know when you will need a speech topic or essay topic!


I would tell myself, "Cherisse, you are here right now for a reason! You're going to change, learn, and grow! Make the most of the Biblical studies here, and don't be afraid to go out of your way to make friends. College will be hard for you, but be confident that God will give you the ability to accomplish what you need to do. Don't worry. Get some space from your family, and try lots of new things! Don't waste any of your time considering who you will date. Don't try to fit in! Discover who you are and rejoice in it regardless of how others respond to you. Dish out the money to get a reliable car and counseling, because you need it. Oh, and by the way, just get an Associates in Bible. Then go live with your grandparents while you save up for a Bachelors in Social Work.


If you've moved a lot, this is just like any other time you've moved. You may not have the same support network, but you'll make it through this one, too. College is not what your teachers in high school tell you it is. That's what their college was like. Whichever one you choose, it will be completely different and you'll have to start off from square one again. That's okay. That's what makes it your own experience. That's what makes it the best.