University of Valley Forge Top Questions

What should every freshman at University of Valley Forge know before they start?


Stay true to who you really are. Go with your gut instinct.


Pick a college that makes you feel like you belong there. College becomes your new home, so pick somewhere that you are comfortable spending the next four years of your life. Make sure you get involved and take every opportunity you can. Learn what you really believe. Don't be afraid to question your professors and other students. Go to class. Do your homework. Pursue any dreams that you have. Take chances and learn new things. College is a learning experience like no other. Take advantage of everything placed before you. Let it shape you.


Finding the right college can be a daunting task, but like the saying goes, they are the best years of your life. Take your time and don't stress about it too much. Once you adjust to college life you have a blast!


Education is more important than finances. After a degree is attained, financial stability will be brought to a balance.


The right college is where you will feel most comfortable. Pick a place that has somethings that seem familiar (like weather) and a place where you can see that you will grow. While attending, get involved. Ask questions. Don't sign anything unless you completely understand what it says. Live in a dorm for at least your freshman year. Try out for a team. Listen intently and purposely in class. Sign up, sit in, and participate with as many extracurricular activities as you can.


Pick a college where you can grow mentally, academically and socially. Look for financial aid. Pick a place where you will be streached. Build up a good support group from among your peers and the facutly. Enjoy the experience and don't be afraid to try new experiences.


Do research on the college websites. Visit the campuses and get into contact with current or past students/professors. Have an idea of what you are looking for in a school, what would bring you comfort and the environment you feel you would thrive best in. Don't settle, and do not waste the time you have. Take your education seriously and create schedules and attempt balance. All work and no play makes life miserable, but in all things keep your focus and move forward.


Fully research many many schools and talk to as many students, staff, faculty, alumni, and even people from the area as possible. Think long and hard about what you want to do with the rest of your life and how that school can help you get there and or figure out what that may be. if you have a dream (no matter how crazy) go for it with all of your heart.


Look around. Don't just pick one school and go with your first choice.


My advice is to go where you are called to and where you are the most effective, meaning where you can see yourself down the road. You definitely do not want to do something that you cannot picture yourself doing years from now. Also, another major important factor in the college life is spending time with the right people. By this, I mean people who you not only laugh and have a good time with, but people who challenge you to become a better person. Who you spend time with the most is who you will eventually become.