University of Virginia-Main Campus Top Questions

What is the stereotype of students at University of Virginia-Main Campus?


UVA is an ALL white school!


People love to say that UVA students are we're all guys in ties and girls in pearls and that even if we all did dress like that it means we must all have the same pretentious souls.


Students of the University often are cast as prudes or elitists. There is also one belief that students at the University do not engage in anything outside of classes; if they do, then the outside world thinks that we are all involved with Greek life.


uva kids are infamous for coming from well-to-do families, generally financially secure. uva kids work hard and play hard--we toil for hours in the library and party every weekend. There's diversity to be sure, but a strong Greek scene makes for a very preppy student body


The stereotypes about UVa is that it is an elitist school who thinks they are better than everyone else. The students are believed to embody this stereotype.


Preppy, smart, athletic, well rounded


UVa students are stuck-up, self-centered, ungrateful, ignorant


I think a lot of non-UVA students see UVA as one of two things: nerds or stuck-up rich kids.


One stereotype about UVA is that everyone is dresses very preppy and is stuck up.


Some stereotypes of UVA students are that we are rich, white, preppy students from Virginia private schools. While there is some truth to that, that reputation was built mostly in the 70s and early 80s. These days, UVA is making a bigger effort to promote diversity as my class is registered as the most diverse in UVA history.