The fall 2020 acceptance rate for University of Virginia-Main Campus is 29%. That means, out of _____ applications received in 2020, _____ students were offered admission.
What should every freshman at your school know before they start?
Israel, when you apply for college, consider your own wants and desires. Do not do what Dad or Mom wants, do what you want. If that means you do not go to UVa, so be it. Follow your heart. When you get to school, ask questions.You will never obtain information unless you ask. People cannot read your mind. Learn to express what you feel eloquently. Words are a powerful thing, learn to use them. Learn to discipline yourself early! Stick to your plan, you will love yourself later. It will prevent many mistakes and prevent many pointless late nights. Lastly, you are not weak if you ever need to go to a counselor or get consultation for any sort of problem you have. Catch problems early on to prevent them from escalating. Continue to enjoy life like you always do. Your love for life will get you through the worst situations.
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Describe the students at your school.
Rich conservative preppy people
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What are the academics like at your school?
My major is astronomy...my minor is spanish. The students are very competitive, 'cause all are from the tops of their respective high schools and/or community colleges. Time with professors outside of class...somewhat limited, professor office hours are somewhat limited, but professors are willing to accomodate if one requests a special meeting with them. The astronomy department is small one. UVA's astronomy department is some and somewhat unique in the fact that it is independent and not incorporated within the physics department.
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What is your overall opinion of this school?
I do very much like the University of Virginia. My favorite part about it is the Echols Program, which is for the select highest percent of applicants and open to first years who wish to apply. It allowed me to create my own niche at the University, by designing my own major and exempting me from all general requirements. Personally, I prefer smaller classes and smaller Universities, but the wonderful thing about UVa is that the feeling you get depends on your program! Since I am in a smaller program with a handful of people in the major program, I get the feeling of a small University and get to enjoy in depth classes with lots of one-on-one time with the professor.
Aside from the academics, UVa is located in the perfect college town of Charlottesville. There are lots of fun things to do, from hiking to apple-picking to exploring the incredible historical sites. There is a lot of school pride as well, with things like "Girls in pearls, guys in ties" at the football games, the Good Ole Song, streaking the lawn, and the strange traditions (incoming freshman need to learn the lingo: Grounds not campus, first-year not freshman, and don't call your professors "professor"!).
Personally, my greatest experience here has been with the amazing professors I've had a chance to work with. I've been incredibly lucky in that sense!
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What are the most popular student activities/groups?
Being a non-traditional student of 63 years of age...almost 3 times older that most of the students at the university...I am kind of removed from a lot of the student activities and groups.
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Is the stereotype of students at your school accurate?
answered in first question...ooops
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What is the stereotype of students at your school?
They are very preppy, very healthy and thin (obsessed with nutrition and fitness), they think theyre superior cuz they go to UVa
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Here's your chance: Say anything about your college!
The honor code is something unique about UVA. While many schools have honor codes, the honor code at UVA is so essential to the school culture that students enjoy being apart of it. The lingo surrounded with the university is special also. Campus is referred to as grounds, and students are referred to as first, second, third, or fourth years.
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What is the stereotype of students at your school? Is this stereotype accurate?
I went to high school in Charlottesville and the stereotype for UVA Students at our high school was that they were all stuck-up rich preps. When I agreed to go to UVA, this stereotype was the one thing that made me hesitant to accept because it did not fit my personality or interests. At first I did meet several people who fit the stereotype. However, there were also plenty of people who did not fit the stereotype. The wonderful thing about UVA is that there is such a diverse population that although there may be people who fit this stereotype, there are just as many who do not. It is very easy to find friends who fit your personality and interests.
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Describe how your school looks to someone who's never seen it.
UVA is a beautiful campus filled with driven kids and almost any sport or club you could imagine.
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What do you consider the worst thing about your school? Why?
Lack of diversity and understanding, which furthers ignorance. Also, several of the more popular and introductory classes (especially those pertaining to the pre-med or business focus) have class sizes that are more than 200 students.
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What's unique about your campus?
The healthy competition
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What kind of person should not attend this school?
Someone who isn't self-motivated or passionate should not attend the University of Virginia. The University runs on an Honor System, so basically everything is student-run, and we the students are always accountable for our actions and making sure we are where we need to be and get what needs to be done completed. Students here strive to always uphold the Honor System (which basically means no lying, cheating, or stealing) to preserve the high standards of this university. The fact that there is an Honor System makes us more responsible and organized students and people.
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What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?
There is a balance between your academic life and social life. Time management is the key. Start you problem sets and papers ASAP because you will have a problem and need help. Time management is the key that enables you to hang out with friend when you want to and not be ruled by your homework.
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Describe your favorite campus traditions.
Our school is best known for our amazing campus, friendly and engaging students, and our high quality education.
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What kind of person should attend this school?
Smart, intelligent, focused, and determined.
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What do you brag about most when you tell your friends about your school?
The alumni, who tend to be very successful in their respective fields, are extremely willing to help students further their careers after college. It's a rigorous school, academically. Only the brightest high school students attend this institution There is an abundance of school spirit. Our school is featured under the education section of the "United States of America" wikipedia page.
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What's the most frustrating thing about your school?
Upper level science classes are extremely disorganized
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Tell us about the sports scene on campus.
Although our sports teams are not that great, we got into the sweet 16 this year for basketball! Despite not being the best in every sport, tons of people attend the sporting events as they are loads of fun and instill a sense of school pride and honor! Also, the Intramural Leagues for soccer, football, baseball, basketball, tennis and frisbee are awesome and great ways to get exercise and have fun!
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Why did you decide to go to this school?
I've wanted to go to the University of Virginia since I was in the third grade. When we took a field trip there, I was absolutely fascinated by it. They have an amazing English program with some of the most wonderful teachers imaginable. It's a great school and, as I got older, the more I looked into it, like the study abroad programs and extracurricular activities and the like, I knew that UVa was the place for me.
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